Chapter 3: Mika in Wonderland

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I wait for my bus to arrive because it's constantly late and Troye was at practice so no ride home for me. I sit on the bench listening to music. I feel the bench shake and it disrupted my alone time. I turn to see whom has sat next to me and why their ass shook the whole bench. A guy with blue eyes matches my gaze. His brown shaggy hair was slicked back and his jawline was immaculate. Good grief. He had stubble on his chin and he held a jacket in his hand exposing his muscles in his tank top. He wore grey shorts and ankle socks in his white shoes. "How's it going?" He asks. I turn up Kailee Morgue's song to avoid his question. "Did you just turn up your volume?" I faintly hear him ask. I take one air piece out. "Sorry didn't hear you", I respond. "All I said was hi", he responds and turns his head. Crap. I guess that was a little rude. "Hey", I finally say back. "I'm new here, my name's Manny", he responds. "I'm Mika. You know a guy named Troye?" I asked. "Soccer kid. I let him see my homework", Manny replied and smirks. "Well he gave it to me, so good looking out" I say and try to smile. "Well I'm glad it helps, if you ever need it, I can always send you my answers," Manny says with a nervous laugh. "Good to know", I said and nod in approval. My bus finally arrives and I stand to leave. "Well that's my bus, I'll see you around", I say doing my best farewell. "I could give you a lift, if you don't mind waiting with me", Manny said almost as if he regretted saying it. "What're you waiting on?" I ask. "My little sister has to stay after school just for a little bit. I-I mean if you don't mind" Manny nervously says. I look back at my bus and at Manny. Hot new guy or dusty bus? Sounds like an easy answer.
"So my dad left when I was 5 and it's been me and my mom ever since," I explain to Manny. Him and I have been talking for the past half an hour on the bench. "That's rough, I couldn't imagine not having both my parents around," Manny said. He seemed very focused on me. "It is what it is", I said. "But you're not in any clubs, groups, or sports? how come?" He asks. "Nothing interests me anymore. I've been so disinterested in life and people that I feel..... like I'm being dragged along. I go day by day and that's it", I explain. I don't know why opening up to a stranger makes me feel better. "There has to be something you're into?" Manny asks while staring at me intensely. I think for a moment about it. "I've always wondered what it would be like leave the state....the country....the world. Maybe even go into space. I want something new and exciting is all", I tell him. "Well when you graduate you can pursue any adventure you want. Become a astronaut since you want to go into space", Manny suggests. "Look at you. A little optimist. I wish it was that easy", I chuckle. "And why isn't it?" Manny asked. "Because life is just as disappointing as people are," I reply. "I refuse to think that way. And you shouldn't either," Manny said and gives me a little nudge. His nice personality almost seems too good to be true. I haven't enjoyed a cute guy's company in awhile.
"Thanks for dropping me off", I said to Manny pulling out of my driveway. "Don't ever be scared to ask for a ride", Manny reminds me. I blush and nod then head into the house. I noticed my mom's car parked here too. She's home early. I throw my book bag on the couch and head into the kitchen. I see my mom sitting there glaring at me, as if she's been waiting for me. "What're you staring at?" I ask annoyed. "It's 6:00. school ended at 4:00. Where the hell have you been at?," she asks angrily. "The bus comes late all the time, chill out". I reply. "You think I don't have eyes? I saw some boy drop you off. Don't have strangers at my house!" My mom yelled. "Is it that deep?! God forbid someone be nice to me and give me a ride home!" I yell back. "Who the hell are you raising your voice at?!" My mom screams. Trust me. This is one of our normal screaming matches. "If I had a dollar for every time you yelled about some nonsensical bullshit, I'd be Jeff Bezos" I said trying to lower my tone. "I'm not going to argue with you. You obviously have no respect for me or anything I do for you," She replied. "Everything you do for me huh? How about you die and leave me your life insurance? That would do me a huge favor", I snapped. My mom sits back down at the table and holds her head in frustration. "Just go to your room, Mika", she says with a sigh. I gladly make my way upstairs and slam the door. I can never have a good day. Fucking sucky ass life. I lay down on my bed and hold back my tears. She doesn't deserve them. I then feel a hand brush against my stomach and wrap around me. I turn over to see Motiv holding me and giving me a sly smile. I have no words this time. I can't think of anything to say. My heart was racing and my head was hurting from screaming. I just wanted to rest. "Are you real? Are you here right now?" I ask Motiv. He slides his hand on the side of my face. "I'm whatever you want me to be,". With that we embrace and a cloud of blue crystals surround and cover us.
I wasn't in my room anymore. I was on top of clouds. The sky was bright and sunny. The clouds smelled of marshmallows and felt like soft cotton. Motiv was beside me smiling. "Is this heaven?" I ask. "That's one way of interpreting it", he answers. I could see his amazing 6 pack in the daylight. "You ask a lot of questions," he adds. "Well I was never the type for going with the flow," I reply. Motiv climbs onto of me and kisses my forehead. "Does it matter if it's a dream? You are here in this moment now" he says. "Well I would like to know I'm not crazy," I said pushing him off of me. He gives me a puppy dog face. "Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't" Montiv states. "That's from Alice in Wonderland", I remind him. Motiv winks at me in agreement. He then stands up, falls back into the clouds, and disappears. I lie back , fall into the clouds, and land in my bed. If only my life were like Wonderland.

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