Chapter 9: A New Threat

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I arrive home from school and plop on the couch. I have no idea where to start to fix this mess. I heard my mom come in shortly after me. She waves at me and walks into the kitchen. She then rushes back into the living. "I almost forgot, how was your day at school?", she asked. "School was school" I said shutting eyes. Mom's face turns into a frown. "I don't get it. You tell me to ask how your fucking day was and that's what you give me?," she states angrily. "School was shit alright ?!" I yell and sigh. My mom breathes in and sits beside me. "I'm sorry. I'm trying to get the hang of this but you said you'd try too", she then said. "Right well my best friend hates me, another guy that's into me beat the shit out a guy, and my arm is broken so I have to sit out of gym", I explain. "Ok......well at least you get to miss gym class", my mom said pumping her hand in the air. Of course that's all she took from it. She gets up again and starts towards the kitchen. "Oh and I think it's the motherly thing to do since you wrecked my car. You're grounded", my mom said and starts preparing dinner. "Does that mean I can't go to the mall? My friend Jen invited me this weekend", I inform her. "Oh.... I guess. But after that you're grounded" she said. I lay back on the couch and stare up at the ceiling. I close my eyes for a moment and let go of all my worries. Then I feel a jolt from beneath me and open my eyes. My body was now lying in my room on the bed.
         How'd I end up in here? A sharp pain like needles in my skin shot through my arm. I sat up and grabbed my cast. Zap! It fucking electrocuted me! I start to bang it on my headboard. The cast finally breaks into pieces. My arm was no longer there! It was now a robotic hand. Wires and metal made up the exterior. Electric waves surrounded my new arm. I could move it perfectly though. It had a keypad that looked like it had coordinates on it. Fuck it, I've had stranger things happen to me in my dreams. I tapped in some coordinates to a location I didn't know. A flash of light blinded me and I was transported to another world. It wasn't anywhere I had journeyed before. I looked around and saw fish like creatures floating in the air. The area resembled a beach. The ground was like sand, but was the color red. There were people there too. Or what appeared to be people. They had fins, scales, and gills. Their eyes were wide and pitch black. Their clothing was made of pearls and silk. One of the aliens approached me and took my hand. They were leading me towards the water. "I can't swim! Wait!" I pleaded. It giggled at me. "You can do whatever you want here," it told me. A humungous wave emerged before us. It was the scariest thing I had ever seen. The creature proceeded to throw me into the water. I screamed in panic and was swept up by the wave. I floated upwards and was flung into the air. I crashed back down and sank into the sea. For some reason.....I could breathe. I sink even further and see a megalodon swim past me. Well that's not scary at all. A mermaid swims up and hovered above me while I sank. He was beautiful. He had golden skin with bright red hair. He leaned in closer towards me and gives me a kiss. I'm kissing a fucking mermaid! I then feel my mechanical arm starting to malfunction. It sends a shock through my whole body and I wake up in a cold sweat. I look over to my arm now back to it's original form. Well, almost. My cast was now broken.
            "So how did you break your cast again?" Jenifer asked while we sat by the food court at the mall. "Uh I fell off my bed", I respond. Luckily I had went to get another one put on. "How's Nathan doing?", I asked changing the subject. Jenifer made an annoyed expression. "He's pretty embarrassed that he got his ass kicked and everyone is talking about it. I'm surprised Manny wasn't expelled and only suspended for a week", she said while applying lip gloss. Manny had been M.I.A since the fight. No text, no call, nothing. Maybe he needed to cool down. "I didn't know Manny had anger in him like that", I said taking a bite out of my burger. "You're boyfriend totally overreacted. But I know how antagonizing Nate can be. Any who, I need to pick out some shoes for prom. I was thinking about ordering it with my dress, but then I thought why not get them separately", Jenifer said. "Prom is months away, what's the rush?" I asked. "I want to get the best dress before anybody else does. Can't have any of these bitches upstage me. Especially since I'm going to win prom queen", she said with a flip of her hair. She's definitely not the type of chick I'd usually hang out with but I'll take it. We walk around to different clothing stores and Jenifer encourages me to buy some. "Listen there's nothing wrong with your.....sweats and hoodie combo you've always got going on. But let's spice some things up. Change the scenery you know?" Jenifer remarks. "I guess I could get something different," I said. She's not shy to tell me she hates my look. She's pulls me into an H&M where we run into Dylan and his girlfriend Phoebe. "Phoebe! Hey girly!",  Jenifer exclaims and gives her a hug. She gives Dylan a fist bump and takes Phoebe to a different side of the store. "Hey Mika, new cast?" Dylan asked and points to my arm. "Yea that's a long story", I answered while looking around for Jenifer. She escaped my sight. "You in here shopping for yourself or just for Jen?", Dylan proceeds. "Uh myself. I'm trying to switch up my style. Just need a change I guess", I answered now walking towards a rack of clothes. "I always thought you looked good in whatever you wore", Dylan said while licking his lips. I awkwardly smile. I hoped he was joking "Shut up dude, not like we see each other often", I joke. "Well I definitely see you", he said sliding beside me. Is he for real?. "You should be seeing your girlfriend", I said and move away from him. Dylan laughs and pulls a shirt off the rack. "How's this look?" He asked as he put it to his chest. "Nice", I said while giving him a thumbs up and go to another rack. I find a shirt I want to try on and I go to the dressing room. I take off my hoodie and take the shirt off the coat hanger. Then I hear my door open. I turn to see Dylan enter. "What the hell are you doing in here?" I asked agitated. "Trying on a shirt", he answers and takes off his shirt revealing his abs. He pins my left hand against the wall and puts his hand down my pants. He then kisses me and bites my lip. I give him a right hook and push him off of me. "What the fuck are you doing?! You have a whole ass girlfriend!" I yell. "So you're saying you don't want me? I see you always want to play the hot loner role and act like you're above everyone. When in reality, you want to be seen and noticed too", Dylan said now putting his shirt back on. "You don't know shit about me. You don't even know yourself since you're over here kissing boys and cheating on Phoebe!", I said angrily. "You think you're so mysterious and smart. You're just as confused as me. You and Troye." Dylan said with a malicious laugh. I ball fist up as I feel my blood boil. "I guess I'm more observant than you are. So if word gets out that this little encounter happened, those rumors that were going around back in the day about you and Troye, won't just be a rumor. I'll be seeing you around Mika", Dylan threatens and leaves the dressing room. I sink to the floor and hold my head in my hands.
Jenifer pulls up to my house to drop me off. " I had fun. We should go shopping more often. I'm glad you could get some clothes. REALLY glad", Jenifer said with a bright smile. I give her a weak smile back and say goodnight. As I walk up the driveway, I see Manny standing by the door waiting for me. "Can we talk?" He asks.

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