Chapter 11: Daddys Home

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I couldn't move. I was frozen. I hadn't seen my father in 15 years. Now he stands before me at my doorstep.....calling me son. "Is your mother home?" He asked looking down at me. "No, you need to leave", I answer and try to slam the door on him. He blocks me from shutting the door and forces his way in. "Listen Mika, I'm just here to talk", he said walking into the living room. He examines the house like he was reminiscing on good memories. That fucking monster. My mom comes out the kitchen to see my father standing there. She drops the phone and stares blankly at him. "Hey there, Connie", my dad said giving a small wave. My mom continues to stare for a moment, and runs into the kitchen. She comes out with a knife and points it at my dad. "Get the fuck out of my house!" My mom yelled. My dad started to move backwards while holding his hands up. "Connie, I just came to have a conversat-"GET THE FUCK OUT!", My mom screams and takes a swing at him. She slashed his arm and he scrambled out the door. I watched my mom in horror as she held the bloody knife in her hand as she took long breaths and stood still. I inched towards my mom and grabbed the knife away from her. She collapsed to the floor and started sobbing. I kneeled beside her and began to console her. After all that bastard put her through. I couldn't believe he'd show his face ever again after what he did.
I bring my mom some warm tea while she laid on the couch. "Thanks Mika", mom said and takes a sip. I hear knocking at the door again. This time it was Claire with tears in her eyes. She's bursts in the house and hugs my mom. "I'm so glad you're okay! It's all my fault. I didn't know he would come here", she sobs. "What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked. How did she know he was here? "I....I should have told you I was in contact with him. I wasn't thinking" Claire said while holding my mom. Mom pulls away from her and stands next to me. "Why would you be in contact with him Clara?" She asked while squeezing my hand. Ouch. "We...we...we talked a couple times an-and he asked about you two. I thought I was helping. I'm so sorry", Claire pleads. This can't be happening right now. "'ve never met Jacob before. Why were you meeting with him?" My mom asked angrily. Claire started to fidget and she bit on her nails. "W-we just talked. And he was apologizing for what he had did in the past. An-and there was drinks involved. An-and he was so...nice. It was mistake, I never thought it would happen", Claire explains still continuing to cry. I see tears run down my mom's face. I hold her arm to make sure she doesn't leap and kill this bitch. "You need to leave before I forget that you're my sister" mom said calmly. Claire looks at me for support, but I look away from her. She leaves and my mom snatches her arm away from me. "I'm going to bed", she said and walks upstairs. I can't believe this happening. My aunt secretly sleeping with my dad?I'll never know peace at this point.
"Jenny I don't know if this is a good idea", I said while sitting on her bed. I was at her house watching her apply make up and pick out an outfit. She had a date with some college guy she met from a party. "Listen, with all the shit going on with you at home, you need to at least mend one relationship", she states while applying lipgloss. "Troye will leave as soon as he sees me", I said while fiddling with my fingers. "I'm tired of being in between you two. You guys won't tell me why you're at odds, but you are. So both of you need to grow the fuck up and have a mature conversation", Jenifer replied. "Yes ma'am" I said and raised my hands in defeat. We both then hear the bell ring. "That must be him, I'll be right back", Jenifer said and heads downstairs. I stand up and start pacing back and forth. I don't want to do this. I look into Jen's body mirror and see Motiv staring back at me. He extends his hand from the mirror and signals me to come to him. "No", I said and take a step back. He smiled eerily and disappeared. I turn and see Jenifer enter the room with Troye. "I told you Jen, I don't know what dress you should wea-" Troye said but cuts off when he saw me. We stare at each other but don't say a word. Jenifer goes into her closet and pulls out a pink sparkly dress. "This will do," she said and walks out the room.
"Hi Troye", I said nervously. He gave me a little wave and sat on the bed. He didn't look up at me. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I shouldn't have reacted the way that I did. As your best friend, I owe you more than that. I'm so sorry Troye", I said. Troye lifts his head to look at me. "Why didn't you tell me about you and Manny?" He asked. "I'm not with Manny. I might have said something to make him believe that and I screwed up", I explain. Troye now stands up to face me. "How many times are you going to screw up Mika? You've got me and this guy I don't have a problem with fighting and made me sorry I ever confessed anything to you", Troye said. "I get it! It's all Mika's fault! All I do is hurt people! I hurt you, I hurt Manny, I hurt my mom, I got Nate hurt, I...I'm a fuck up! I don't know what you want from me Troye! I've apologized over and over again! Jesus!" I yell and pull my hair. "I wanted to know how you felt about me! To notice me! You act all the time like you never care about anything! Even me! It's only when you were about to lose me is when you paid attention!" Troye yelled back. "You have everything Troye. You've always had more friends, a perfect relationship with your family, and you're well off. I was always your little gay sidekick you dragged along everywhere that no one cared about." I said while feeling tears filling my eyes. "I don't care about any of that. I would have given it all up for for you. You have no idea how much I care about you. Ever since middle school, I've felt something for you. I just wanted you to feel something for me", Troye said. He then turns around and wiped his eyes. I've never seen Troye cry before. Why didn't I notice all of this? "Troye", I begin to say, but he interrupts me. "No Mika, I can't do this anymore. It hurts. If you don't feel the same way about me, I'll understand and we can just go back to how it was", Troye said crossing his arms. How could we ever go back to the way it was. All I knew is that I didn't want him out of my life. No matter what I do, someone gets hurt. I walked over to Troye and pulled him close to me. "I love you Troye", I said as I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. He grabs my thighs and lifts me up. Troye kisses me back and pins me against the wall. He then starts kissing me all over my neck. If you would have told me that Troye and I would be making out, I would have said fuck you. Then, Jenifer storms in with her pink sparkly dress on. "So how do I loo- Holy shit!" Jenifer yelled as she catches us kissing. "Surprise", I said with a cheesy smile as Troye puts me down.

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