Chapter 12: Deadly Signs

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"I can't believe you thought you couldn't tell me", Jenifer said annoyed while walking me to class. "Yesterday at your house was the first time that I even acknowledged that I had felt something for him", I explain to her. "So, what're you going to tell Manny?" Jenifer asked. "I'm not telling anyone in general. Troye and I agreed to keep it a secret for now. We don't need the whole school on our radar right now", I said. "Well you can't keep him around like a puppy. Friend zone him and stop the chaos. It's almost like you enjoy it", Jenifer said while rolling her eyes. "I'll talk to him alright", I said. Good grief. "Your talks always go left. Sit him down and break the bad news. And if he looks like he's taking it badly, run. You don't want to be another Nathan" Jenifer joked. If only that was funny. His anger can be scary sometimes. I break off from Jenifer and head into the bathroom. It appears empty and I walk into one of the stalls. As I pee, I faintly hear a voice in another stall. I listen out for anything, but it was silent. I then feel the walls shake around me. Lights start flashing above me and I fall out of the stall. The bathroom had disappeared. I was now standing in the middle of an empty planet. In the distance I could see someone standing with their back turned away from me. I call out to that person. The person vanishes in an instant. What the hell? I then feel a tap on my shoulder and spin around. It was me! Like a clone...I think. Except it's eyes were all white and skin was pastel green. "Your world will break down and you will sink with it" Mika 2.0 said in a low tone. "What do you mean?" I ask. This was so weird and creepy. It then grabs me by my shirt and lifts me into the air. "Your demise is only inevitable", Mika 2.0 said. Well that's great to know. It then forms a ball of energy into its hand and pressed it against my chest. I jolt and hit the back of the wall; appearing back in the bathroom. My mind stays playing tricks on me. I dust my self off and head towards the door. Before I could leave, Nathan enters the bathroom. "Well look who we have here", he said with an evil grin.
        "Hey...bud. How's it going?", I ask nicely. "Oh it's about to go really well for me in a second. I see your arm got better. No cast", Nathan states while pointing at my arm. "Yea, well that's what bones do.  They heal hahaha", I give a nervous laugh. "You know I was hoping I would run into you again. Your little fag boyfriend got some lucky hits on me remember?" Nathan said maliciously. "I don't have time for your bullshit right now" I said and begin to walk to the door. Nathan grabs my arm and tosses me to the floor. "You leave when I want you to!", Nathan yelled and proceeded to kick me in the stomach. I gasp in pain and grab my stomach. I try to crawl away, but Nathan sends another hard kick to my chest. I roll over and pull myself off the ground. He then grabs me by my neck and throws me into the glass. I felt it shatter against my back and I fall to the ground again. "You think you two motherfuckers can embarrass me like that! There's even a video going around! You think I wouldn't fuck you up!" Nathan screamed. I try to catch my breath to fight back, but he grabs my arm and twists it behind my back. "argggggggh!!!" I scream in pain. "Where's Manny to save you now, you little shit!" Nathan yelled and twists my arm farther. "NATHAN PLEASE STOP!!!!" I scream and cry. That just makes him laugh harder. I hear someone burst into the bathroom and toss Nathan off of me. It was Dylan. He punches Nathan in the face and throws him out the bathroom. I heard him start to run down the hall away from the scene. Dylan then picks me up and carries me to the nurse's office. "You're going to be okay", He reassured me.
I laid down on the bed in the nurse's office with ice on my stomach. I had a few cuts from the glass but nothing serious. Dylan was sitting in a chair far beside me. Mrs. Cleo walked up to me and handed me water with a small pill. "Take this Tylenol, it'll make you feel better", she said. "Thanks," I said weakly and down the pill with water. I felt so sore and my stomach was killing me. I look over at Dylan to see him smiling at me. "Why did you help me back there?", I asked. What were your intentions now? Dylan gets up and stands beside my bed. "Was I supposed to let you get your ass kicked?" He asked giving me a sly smile. "I would say thanks, but I know that you're a scummy person", I replied. That made Dylan laugh. "I'll admit, I did torment you for a little bit and maybe I took it too far. We'll say I did it as a favor and I won't be bothering you anymore", He said while rubbing his hand against my cheek. "A favor to whom?" I asked now sitting up. Dylan smiled and puts his finger to his mouth. With that, he walks out of the office.
Troye picks me up from school and I tell him everything that happened. "I'm going to fucking kill him! He was suppose to be my friend!" Troye yelled. "Troye you're already suspended, you don't need to get into another fight. Fuck that guy", I said and pat his shoulder. "I'll take care of it outside of school", Troye said angrily. "Troye please, I'm tired of all the fighting. Just let it go", I plead. Troye shakes his head at me. "We'll see. I'm not promising anything. My hand might slip and break his jaw, who knows?" Troye said. Oh boy.
Troye drops me off and drives on home. I notice an unfamiliar car in the driveway. I also hear some yelling in the house and run inside. My dad was there once again arguing with my mom. "I told you to stay the fuck away from us!" Mom yelled with a glass bottle clutched in her hand. "Connie I have a right to see my son! You drove me away once, but I'm not leaving again!" Dad yelled back in another corner of the room. "No one wants you back you sick bastard! You think fucking my sister would get you back into the family?!" Mom said now raising the bottle. "Stop it! Dad get out!" I yelled. "You need a father in your life! Your mother wants to tear you apart from me, but I'm here now and I need to fix things!" He yells at me. I see his face turning red and him glaring at my mom. "You don't love Mika or me! You're a parasite who craves control! I'm not the young girl I was when I met you and I won't let you hurt my son again!" Mom yelled  pointing the bottle at him. "Dad you better get out before I call my boyfriend to kick your ass!" I threaten while reaching for my phone. "Your boyfriend?!! What have you done to our son?!" My dad screams and lunges at my mom. She swings and breaks the bottle over his head. He scowls in pain and backhands my mom to the floor. I pick the nearest vase and smash it over his head. "Argh!" My dad groans and throws me into the kitchen. I hit the stove and collapse onto the floor. He then chokes my mom against the wall and screams at her. "You turned my boy into an abomination!!" He yelled. I get up and pick up a frying pan. I struck him three times in the head before he went down. My mom holds her neck and gasps for breath. My dad was there lying on the floor with blood leaking from his head. "I think I killed him." I said and looked at my mom. Oh god.

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