"She said Niall had texted her about Netflix or something and Tim saw, he thought Aud was trying to jump Niall's bones or something and kicked off." Harry just hums in response.

After a beat he replies,

"Is she done with him then?"

"I don't know, she thinks she loves him but she knows that it won't and can't work. So I hope she does the right thing." Silence follows before Harry speaks again.

"I spoke to Tim." My head flies to face him.

"You did?" I can't hide the shock. I was going to ask Harry to talk to him but the fact he did that off his own back means a lot to me.

"I did. I told him to leave her alone or else." He shrugs.

"Or else what?" I don't know why I ask, it doesn't matter to me. He deserves the worst things possible really. I'm surprised Harry gave him a chance.

"Or else." He just reiterates.

"I'm surprised he's not –" I motion a slicing motion across my neck, hanging it to the side and sticking my tongue out which makes Harry laugh. "-considering what he has done to Aud." I can't help but feel a pang of anger towards Harry or Tim, I don't know which, I think I wish Harry would hurt him and make him pay. He deserves that.

"Trust me, it was hard holding back. Not just me either."

"What do you mean?"

"The boys were there, I had to pull Niall back and the others were on the edge of their seats."

"Oh wow."

"Yeah, we don't tolerate that behaviour ever, if it was anyone else then yeah they probably would be-" He copies my motions with the slicing neck.

"What do you mean if it was anyone else?" There's no hiding my bitchy attitude now.

"There's more to this than you know baby, we need Tim close." His knuckles whiten on the wheel and he huffs out.

"He hurt Audrey." I deadpan, getting angrier by the minute. What could possibly excuse that behaviour? Nothing. That's what.

"I know that Zuri, but you need to trust me. Once we have had our use out of him, he will pay. For every single time, he laid a finger on her." He hisses at me. His eyes are dark and dangerous. I have never felt scared of Harry once but that look, right there, sends shivers down my spine and I feel the smallest dose of fear flood my body.

Harry must read my expression because he softens and reaches over, I flinch slightly when he touches my hand and he notices that for sure. No hiding it.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you. I just need to do my job and as much as I want to kill Tim, I can't. Not yet. But I will, I promise you that." Each word is laced with honesty and a promise. And for some reason, the promise he made to kill Tim, which I know isn't a passing comment made by common folk, doesn't unsettle me. You'd think being told that someone will be murdered at the hands of your... well your very close friend? Either way, that should be scary and unsettling. But it's not.

Tim deserves that for every laying a hand on my best friend.

"Okay." I just hum and then turn in my seat to face outside, only then do I see we have pulled up outside my apartment. "Hey, Harry."

"Yes, baby."

"Why haven't I been to your place yet?" I swing my head back to his, I see him freeze up a little and then relax.

"You wanna stay at my place?" I think about it for a moment, I don't particularly want to leave Aud alone right now. I need to see if she wants to see me tonight first. Although Harry means a lot to me, if my best friend needs me then I'll be here for her.

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