Chapter 66

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I waited for the chef to come over and make dinner. The table was set, the drinks were poured and dinner arranged. I got dressed and I waited patiently.

. The chef left and now I was alone. He would be back soon so I knew that anything I wanted to do had to be done now. I couldn't think well, at all. I laced his drink but that didn't feel good enough. Soon, the elevator door opened. He had his usual smile on his face and I returned it.

"Hey babe." He said as he took off his jacket and gave me a hug


"What are we celebrating?" He asked pointing towards the dinin table.

"Us. We are celebrating us." I said as I led him to the table. We sat, had dinner in silence and then it was time for a toast. I decided to spearhead it. "We started out like every basic relationship. Everyone thought we were too young to know what love was, but we did. We have had our fair share of issues but we're still standing and we're heading towards four years as a couple and a year as a married couple. I wouldn't have survived all the highs and lows with anyone else. So thank you and I love you. To us." I said as I raised my glass.

"To us." He raised his and he clinked our glasses together. I took a sip of my wine, he raised his to his mouth but then he dropped it on the table and just stared at me intensely.

"Something wrong?" I asked feigning ignorance .

"You know, to study Agriculture and to get to where I am, you have to know a whole lot of Chemistry. "

"Of course."

"So, knowing my amazing knowledge of Chemistry, why would you try to poison me using cyanide?" Oh shit! I forgot about his knowledge of Chemistry.

"I don't know what you're talking about. "

"Cut the crap Olivia. What's going on?"

"You tell me...El Pablo." He looked at me and just smiled.

"When did you figure it out?"

"That's what you're most bothered about?! I just found out that the man who I have spent years sleeping next to is a monster, and you have nothing to say?! "

"Calm down Olivia. I'm not a monster, I'm still the Andrew that you know. I just left put some parts of my life that I felt were detrimental to your safety."

"So your excuse for lying to me is because you were simply trying to protect me?! You lied to me for four f*****g years! Four years Andrew! Did all those years mean nothing to you?" He got up and walked away from the dining room.

"Of course they did! Olivia, yes I lied to you but believe me, whatever you think you know, it's all misunderstood and misconstrued. "

"Misconstrued?! I told you all there was to know about me and what did you do? You looked me dead in the eyes and lied to me! Everything about us was supposed to be based on trust, but right now, I don't even know who you are."


"I can't believe we have a daughter together."

"You will probably never understand what I do or why I do it, but it's all for you. "

"Did you kill her?" I asked rubbing my eyes in exhaustion.


"Did you kill my mother?"

"Why would you even think that?!"

"I don't want to just assume the worst about you, I really don't. But I'm just realising that I don't know who you are. I may not know the things you've done, but I know enough for me to be worried about my safety around you. "

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