Chapter 73

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"Happy one year anniversary babe!." I woke up to see Drew with a breakfast tray. I can't believe that with all the drama, we got to year one. It's literally unbelievable.

"Andrew, this is so nice. Thanks babe." I sat up as he placed the tray on the side of the bed. "I would kiss you but morning breath."

"I really don't even care. Come here." He pulled me close and engulfed me in this world of honest and pure love. There were no lies here, just pure. Everything was pure.

"A year? How did we get here?"

"Together. We got here together. "

"So, what's the plan for today?"

"Why don't I show you the first steps and we'll take things slow."

"Ok." I got out of bed and put on my robe. I'm literally stark naked under this robe.

"Do you have to get dressed?"

"It's a robe Andrew. Calm the hell down, it can be removed with one tug."

"If that's what you want.." He made a move to remove the robe but I moved his hands and left the room. There were roses everywhere. Literally everywhere! On the walls, my floor to ceiling windows, the railings. It was beautiful. There was a red carpet from the room , all the way to the dining table. Everything was set on the table. Waffles and syrup, strawberries dipped in white and dark chocolate, chocolate cake, champagne, pancakes, fruits..basically everything I love having for breakfast. I was in this state of excitement that all I could do was cover my mouth with my hands.

"I had to go all out for you. Just cause you deserve it all." I just turned and he was standing behind me.

"'s beautiful. Thank you. " I said as I walked to him and hugged him. This is really nice.

"Just like you. The past year has been really hard on you and that's removing our problems from the equation. It's been rough and I know that, so today, I'm going to make sure that you have the best day."

"Awwwn baby." I said happily. This is so amazing.

"So, that means no work for me..or for you. Today, it's just us and nothing else matters."

"Works for me. So, what's first?"

"Breakfast. Sit." He pulled a chair out for me and I sat down. He poured me a glass of champagne with orange juice, arranged a breakfast plate for me and then sat down. "Before we start, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. "

"What did your grandfather do to Elizabeth? Did he get rid of her or..."

"If you're asking if my grandfather killed her, then no. She's just in training. "


"Well, your grandmother wanted us to get rid of her so we did. She's with a new family that is actually ready to accept her."

"I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that and allow you enjoy your day, but we'll revisit this conversation by midnight. "

"It's OUR day, and I highly doubt that talking will be what we would be doing at that time."

"I'll find time for this conversation. But let's eat. " We had our breakfast, took a bath..together, at a point we were just having sex in the bathroom. We then stayed in bed and watched a movie together. We had lunch on our balcony, just like in Italy and around 7pm, he told me to get dressed. Nothing fancy, just a simple jean and a top. We drove for hours and hours and hours! We got to this huge house around 11pm and we just dropped and went to the back of the house. There was a violinist, lights were set around this gazebo and there was dinner and flowers and gifts, so many gifts.

" honestly didn't have to. " I said as we walked to the gazebo.

"Yes I did. You're worth it all and much more."

"Now I feel bad."


"You've done all this and I didn't do anything."

"Yes you did. You're still here, irrespective of everything we've been through together, you're still here with me, that's the only gift I want from you." He leaned down and gave me a kiss. Sometimes, it's the little things that get through. If he had thrown a big party and all, I would've not enjoyed it and I would probably forget it soon but this..this I can't forget. We ate and drank and then we talked.

"Help me understand something, why am I dressed like this? I'm wearing flats!"

"I have one more surprise before midnight."

"Oh God. Drew you've done too much already. How can I possibly repay everything?"

"You're my wife, you don't need to repay anything.  But if you must, you can pay in bed."

"That works for me."

"Come, it's almost midnight. " He dragged me and started walking briskly to the house.

"What's so important?" But as soon as the doors opened, I knew what this was. On our first date, Drew and I did everything perfectly but we wanted to do one more thing. Go out and shoot paintballs like kids but I was in a Chanel gown so... but today, he had turned this mansion into a paintball arena for just the two of us.

"Speechless huh? I must have really outdone myself. "

"Oh you did babe. You really did. Oh.." What am I going to do with this man? I turned and he was smiling. He was so proud of his work and so was I.

"Well, if anyone has earned it, it's you. Let's go get some shots at each other before it's midnight. "

"Ok. But wait."

"What?" He asked looking at me intensely.

"I love you. " He just smiled and led me to where the balls were. We had fun, a whole lot of fun and as midnight drew near with just two more minutes, we went outside. And suddenly there were fireworks. So many fireworks. This was beyond me. I was elated at this gesture.

"I love you too. So much." He said looking at the sky. And just like that, the highly anticipated first year was over.

"It's midnight love, you wanna stay here and argue or you made 'sleeping ' arrangements?"

"I'm sure we can arrange that conversation for later on tomorrow, but I actually made some sleeping arrangements for us upstairs. We'll spend the night here and we'll go back to town tomorrow morning. Caprende?"


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