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I meet up with Wanda outside and we go grab some lunch. She doesn't say much, just small talk really. I want to ask her what's going on but I think I should wait to ask about it until she brings it up first.

"Thank you so much for going out to lunch with me," she says throwing her garbage away.

"I'm glad we could do this! I need to get out more anyway," I say laughing.

"Same here. Staying there...at the compound," she looks off to the side almost like she was trying to hide her tears but I can't really tell. "It gets overwhelming sometimes. Lonely."

"I know what you mean. Maybe try getting a roommate? Before Bucky came I felt the same way," I pause and look over at her, "having some company really helps."

"Who though? I'm not close with anybody. I mean kind of Steve but he's friends with everybody."

"What about Vision? You guys seem to spend a lot of time together."

"Yea maybe."

"I can talk to Tony and see if I get get something worked out for you guys if you want."

"Thank you but that's okay I will talk to him whenever I see him again. Thanks Morgan."

"I'm glad I can help."

After lunch we did a little shopping but headed home right after. It was nice catching up with Wanda, I don't get to visit with her enough these days.

"This was so much fun! We have to do this again soon!" I said walking down the stairs next to Wanda.

"We do," she gives me a small smile before heading to her room. "Talk to you later."

I could tell she was kind of sad but I let her go anyways. "Bye Wanda."

I have my hand on the doorknob and start to turn it when my phone starts to ring. I think I know who this is.

I let go of the doorknob and answer as I'm walking upstairs to go outside and talk on the phone. I don't need anybody asking questions.

"I'm so glad you answered this time."

"What do you want?"

"Planes changed. I need James by Thursday. Get him to me or your dead. You're involved in some serious shit Morgan, just do what I say and maybe I won't hurt you."

"I'm not afraid of you Blake. Not anymore." That was a lie. Sort of.

He laughs behind the phone, "Okay and? You think you can take HYDRA on by yourself?"

I don't say anything knowing that I can't. Even with the suit I'm sol.

"We've got a surprise for you. Good news really. Want a hint?"

No. "Goodbye Blake."

I hang up the phone before he has the chance to say anything. My stomach turns at the thought of losing Bucky, or having to see Blake again, let alone fight him and his team.

I walk back inside and hear Steve call my name. I look down and start power walking down the stairs. He always knows when something is up.

"Morgan!" Of course he runs to catch up to me. I still keep my head down.

"Hey Morgan," he says grabbing my arm and I flinch.


I shake the hair out of my face and put on my best smile trying to act like nothing happened. "Oh hey Steve, you scared me!"

He tilts his head, "What's going on?"

"Nothing? Why would something is going on?"

"Come on Morgan. You might be able to trick other people, somehow, but you can fool me. What's wrong?"

I put my shaking hands in my pockets, "Nothing?"

"Did something happen while you were out with Wanda?"

I know I should talk to him. I know he wants me to, but I can't. Some part of me won't let me.

"No, no nothing like that." That might have been a dead giveaway.

"Remember your promise Morgan." When Steve was helping me, I promised him I wouldn't keep any secrets about how I was feeling or what was going on. I never broke that promise until now.

"I know. Everything's okay, really." I knew if I told him about Blake he would go tell Tony then who knows what he would do. Something crazy and over dramatic. "I really should..." I point to my door.

"Right...right," he sighs. I'm sure we will be having a serious talk later. "Talk to you soon."

"Right, okay." Great. "See you later!"

I open my door feeling sick to my stomach. I don't want to face Bucky. I don't want to talk to Steve. I don't want to be around anybody. I just want to sit in my room alone and figure out what the hell I'm going to do about Thursday. That gives me one day to get the suit. Part of me wants to tell somebody about this, I know I should, but it's my fault he's back. I can take care of him.

"Hey! How was your time with Wanda? How are you feeling?"

"It was good and I'm feeling better."

"Good!" He walks over and kisses me softly.

"How are you feeling? About everything?"

He pulls away and chuckles, "What do you mean?"

"You know living here, staying with me, how have you been feeling about just everything that's happened? I know you're still having nightmares."

He face goes dark and he turns around, "Yea well... I'm fine. I'm good."

"Come on Buck," I say following him, "You don't talk to me about much. I just want to help you."

"There's nothing anybody can do ok? Just leave it alone." He walks into his room and sits on his bed with his fists clenched. Considering he didn't slam the door in my face, I go in after him.

"I just want to be here for you." I set down next to him and put my hand on his trying to get him to relax. "Fury is coming on Tuesday. I have to tell him something."

He looks up and stares at me with his steel blue eyes then looks back down. "I know."

"Let me help you Bucky... I can't just be a distraction." I feel his hand relax.

"No it's not like that." I don't say anything and I give him the chance to talk. Long periods of silence make people uncomfortable, making them want to talk more just to avoid it. "If I don't talk about it, I won't think about it."

I give him a sad laugh, "I wish that's how it worked Bucky but for most people it isn't."

"Most people. That doesn't include me. I'm not like most people." I feel his body start to tense up again, his voice getting weaker.

"Okay. I know, it's okay. None of us here are."

"I just don't know how to deal with this," he says finally breaking down. He quickly reaches to hug me, I'm guessing so I don't see him cry.

I quickly hug him back and just let him cry into my chest. "It's okay," I say trying to hold back my own tears. I hate seeing him like this. "We will figure this out okay? And I'll be here whenever you need me."

Once he stops crying enough to talk, he says, "I remember being taken by HYDRA."

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