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I find myself in front of Steve's door. Why? I have no idea. He is the last person I can talk to this about. I can't talk to anyone. So I leave.

The clock in the main conference room says it's 2am. I can't stay here. I need to clear my head.

I hear footsteps. Shoot, I have to run.

I book it out the front doors setting off the alarm. This isn't gonna end well.

I turn around before taking off and I see someone running behind me. My short legs can only take me so far.

I can't look back or it will slow me down.

Once I get too tired I look back to see the mystery person gone. Before I knew it something hit me in the gut super hard. Or I ran into something.

I cough a little bit, that kind of knocked the wind out of me.

"Morgan." It's Bucky. He's here to kill me I know it I just know it.

I fall on my knees. "Please," I burst into tears. I hate crying especially in front of people.

He hugs me and squeezes me tighter with every sob I let out, "It's okay doll I'm here. Let's just go back home, let's talk this out." Did he just call me... doll?

He picks me up and carries me back home. We take the back way so nobody sees us. I'm pretty sure I woke up everyone in the facility.

We sneak back into apartment room. "What happened back there?" He says setting me down on the couch. I can hear the worry in his voice. His head hangs low, his hair is covering most of his face but I can still see his bright blue eyes in the darkness.

"I don't know I didn't mean to cause a scene." I can't tell him what happened. I hang my head down so he can't see my face.

"Talk to me Morgan please." His hands are on my knees, he is kneeling on the floor and looking up right at me.

"I can't," I say bursting into tears. I'm supposed to be the therapist not the other way around.

He just hugs me. I wouldn't say he's the first person I would want a hug from right now but even after what I just dreamt... what I just saw, I feel safer than ever. I cant explain it.

He stands up and grabs the tv remote without saying anything and turns on my favorite show, F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

He sits back down and puts his arm around me and just holds me tightly, giving me the occasional squeeze making sure I know he's there.

For the rest of the night we sit there laughing and I peacefully drift in and out of sleep in Bucky's arms.

Wresting from DangerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora