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"Hello this is Morgan."

"Morgan?" The woman's voice sounded almost like she was whispering.

"Who is this?"

"Morgan this is Hailey I need to talk to you."

What the hell? "I'm sorry, Hailey?"

"Yes please I need to talk to you about Blake, about tomorrow."

"Why are you calling me?"

"Where are you, can we please meet somewhere."

"No we can't. Don't call this number again."

I am about to let my arm down when I hear, "I'll be at Joe's Coffee Company at 2, please be there."

I don't trust this at all. What the hell is going on? She tried to kill me! I'm not going. I quickly hang up the phone. She knows I'm here by Central Park because Joe's isn't far. That's actually the coffee shop we would always go to when we hung out together or went shopping or something. Why of all places would she pick there? What does she need to tell me? I never thought she would talk to me again.

But on second thought, maybe I should go. She sounded scared on the phone. I have my suit, if it's just her I can handle myself just fine.

I look down at my phone to check the time, 11:51. What should I do?

I'm going to see her. I get in my suit and call her again.

"He-," she starts to say something but I cut her off.

"I'll be in the alley behind the coffee shop. If you want to meet you will go back there, alone." I hang up immediately after I'm done talking.

I fly above all of the buildings until I see the bright blue sign with white writing on it. I go towards the back of the building and into the alley way. I see Hailey is already there and she is alone, but more people could be hiding.

I land on my feet breaking the concrete a little bit, I was never good at landings but not using a suit for so long doesn't help.

She jumps as I hit the ground and covers her face. Once she realizes who, or more so what, is standing in front of her she starts talking. "Thank you so much for coming Morgan thank you."

"What is this about?" I ask as my helmet slides opens.

"I needed to warn you about tomorrow."

I could tell she wasn't done talking but I start to talk anyway, "Why are you telling me about tomorrow, aren't you supposed to be on their side?"

She looks at her hands, they are trembling, then back at me, "I'm in the run."

I furrow my eyebrows as she starts to tell me more, "Since your team killed Pierce..." Not my team. Not anymore. They didn't even tell me they caught him. "...Blake stepped up. At first Pierce and Blake's ideas for the future of HYDRA were very similar but soon enough his agenda began to change."

"When did they finally catch Pierce?"

"Not long, a few months ago. Maybe 4 or 5 months ago."

I look over to my left thinking about the team, why didn't they tell me, didn't they think their decisions through, why would they kill him and just leave knowing there is a whole army of HYDRA soldiers out there?

"He wanted to recreate the super soldier serum."

I stare at her in shock, so she keeps going, "Let's just say, they were successful."

"Why would he need Buc-" I clear my throat knowing she probably won't know who Bucky is, "Why would he need James?"

"There are flaws," she turns around and starts pacing back and forth, "he needs James, his blood, to finally perfect his serum."

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