The Last Gate To Earth (NATO POV)

Start from the beginning

I was getting annoyed. First he refused to close the CAS and now he was saying there was no reason to take appropriate actions.

"I know you're upset, dear colleague," UN soothed, "But think about it; why would the enemy risk being trapped in here with us?"

 I bit my lip and began to see what he was implying, "Either they made a fatal error..."

"Which I highly doubt."

"Or they had inside help and they never set foot in Aliaterra..."

"That is a possibility."

"Or they have their own method of transportation."

"Indeed. So shutting down would probably be a fruitless effort." UN nodded.

My temples began to throb. It was clear that this hidden enemy was gonna give me a hell of a time. Suddenly a flash of light and interrupted my thoughts. I looked back to see NASA working furiously as the Gate began to flicker back to life.

"SIR!!!" she called with urgency pinned in her voice, "I managed to get a small and stable but temporary connection!"

"Is it done?!" I asked with disbelief. No way she could fix the Gate in such a short amount of time.

"No. Far from it actually. But I'm sure this is our very last connection for a while."

NASA wheeled on me, "I know it's not my place to say this... but I suggest someone should go and monitor the situation from the other side."

I suddenly registered the fact that everyone in the room was staring at me and that honestly did give me nervous chills.

"Absolutely not," I declared as I lifted my chin, "I have other things to take care of here."

"Oh? Like what?" NASA challenged.

"I have to train those two, remember?"

NASA glanced at UN and smiled, "Well... You could bring those two along with you. With the authorization of the Headmaster of course."

UN nodded, "America is the leader of the free world. Russia has some very influential ties as well which means they will be valuable assets when it comes to keeping the panic to a minimum. I don't see why not."

"Besides," NASA smirked, "There are many places devoid of humans on Earth. Perhaps a trip to Siberia will allow them both to progress quicker."

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