Chapter Three: First Heat

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Trigger Warnings:

Strong Emotions/Pain

Adult Language

When Jimin woke the next morning the alcohol felt stronger than ever. His head was heavy and hot, his body seemed to burn. He felt sick and careened to the bathroom. He closed the door behind him, panting, and looked at himself in the mirror. His face was flushed red, eyes bloodshot. He felt hot and shaky.

He splashed water on his face...he couldn't catch his breath.

When he emerged from the bathroom, he was hit immediately with the scent of Namjoon and Yoongi. It curled into his nostrils and his brain, and he found himself getting hard just from the smell of them.


He woke with omega scent thick as smoke around him... pulling him out of bed, penis erect, body compelled to track the scent. He walked out of his room, the living room was thick with it. Yoongi was coming out of his room, drawn by the smell as well. He glanced at the sleeping Maknaes on the couch. "Where is...?"

The bathroom door slammed open suddenly, hitting the Alphas with the strong scent of Omega.

Jimin stood there, flushed red, weak on his feet and shaking. But he smelled them, too, Namjoon realized as he locked bloodshot eyes on each in turn.

"I am so hungover," he whined. Namjoon and Yoongi exchanged glances. "Can you take care of me, Alphas? I feel so weird..." Jimin now started to cry.

Namjoon's heart collapsed in on itself at Jimin's tears. He doesn't know what is happening, he realized with a twist. He and Yoongi were at Jimin's side in an instant, sandwiching him in a tender embrace between them. Namjoon locked eyes with Yoongi overtop of Jimin's head. Be strong for him, he said with his eyes, raising brows at Yoongi. Yoongi gave him a withering look.

"Jimin, it might be better if Hoseok and Jin take care of you..." Namjoon said, his heart pounded. Jimin's scent was so strong in his nose, all he wanted to do was possess him, and yet Jimin didn't even know he was in heat...

"Whyyyy..." Jimin whined, "I want YOU, Namjoon." He wrapped his warm arms around Namjoon. "And you, Yoongi... you guys smell the BEST. You will take care of me, right?" Jimin suddenly doubled over slightly. "Ow, my insides hurt," He groaned...

"Jin!" Namjoon called, starting to panic, as his penis grew painfully hard and his head swam...

"Bring me to bed, I am never drinking again!" Jimin whined. Namjoon and Yoongi could feel him growing hotter between them, his skin seemed to glow. "Oww," his feet faltered...

Jin burst into the room at the sound of his name, and Hoseok came running a beat later.

Namjoon could barely control himself. "Jin, please," he whined at his best friend and Beta. Jin and Hoseok drew up beside them, helped to pull Jimin off of the Alphas. Jimin protested and whined feverishly, fought weakly at the Betas. Jin scooped him into his arms and carried him to Hoseok's room.


"His temp is shooting up, he needs help," Jin cried, feeling Jimin's body warming by degrees as he held him. He settled Jimin gently on the bed, but Jimin started to scream and pull at his clothes. The Maknaes watched from the doorway.

"Help him, Jesus," said Jungkook, and pushed into the room. He grabbed Jimin's T-shirt and pulled it off. Jimin whimpered gratefully. Jungkook undid his tight pants, pulling them off. Jimin's sweet intoxicating scent radiated off him in waves now that his pants were off. Jungkook realized the back of Jimin's boxers were dampening.

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