Chapter 1 ~EDITED~

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Fiinnaaalllyyy! I am finished with this edit. It'll probably be a little bit before I do the next chapter because damn this took forever! Like four hours to be exact! This chapter is longer, over 3000 words to be exact, I fixed all my grammer and spelling mistakes (Hopefully) and there is new content, changed from the chapter before even if it's just changing the dialouge and wording. ANNNDDD I fixed Renee's name, I had originally spelt it wrong but this is how it is supposed to be spelled. Like I said in the description, nothing major will change!! The chapter is still exactly the same it is litterally just reworded and has a little bit more dialouge in it! SO I hope you enjoy! *NOTE: All the russian that is said will be in footnotes at the bottom of the page or at the end if our using a mobile device. ~ Izzie

Renee's POV

I stared with a large smile on my face as I rewatched my favorite anime, Naruto, and threw some lays potato chips in my mouth.

"Renee!" Suddenly I was rudely interrupted by one of my newbie 'coworkers' David, who poked his head in my room.

I tapped the space key on my laptop, pausing the episode, and turned to glare at the man. "What the fuck do you want, David," I snapped, "you know very fucking well not to interrupt me on my break, especially when I'm watching my shows Tupista!"

He cowered and stepped back, "The boss wants you Renee. He told me to get you." He said in a small voice.

I rolled my eyes at the idiot standing before me, it's gonna take him a while before I even begin to respect him. I closed my laptop, pushing it away from me, and slid off the bed standing up. David stepped back as I exited the room, closing the door behind me, and I turned down the hallway to enter the pit room. This was where all my 'coworkers' resided if they weren't doing work. The other men and boys got out of my way knowing I was pissed just by the look I probably had so they didn't even bother me as I stepped into the elevator going three floors up to the bosses office. The bell rang in the elevator, signaling my arrival to the floor, and the doors opened allowing me to step off. Immediately I headed straight for the bosses office and slammed open his door, furious, "Kakogo cherta! Todays my day off, so why the hell do you want me!?" I shouted at him stepping inside.

He looked up at me with his stupid serious face and sent me a tiny glare, "Vy dolzhny byt' boleye uvazhitel'nymi devushka. I have a special job for you, a new kingpin who thinks he can sell drugs in our territory." He said and held out a case file.

I walked up closer and snatched the file with a scoff, skimming over it lightly. "Simple, I'll be back soon. It'll be like he never existed." I said then turned around walking out of the room.

I'm an assassin, I kill people that the boss tells me too then I get paid. I'm the best of the best as well as the adopted daughter of the leader here, Kazimir Chenaya-Roza, the greatest drug and gun selling Russian ruler and trainer of assassins there ever was. He's one of the top three kingpins in the whole Manhattan district. I'm Renee Chenaya-Roza, the top assassin, left on the front door of the Russians doorstep. It's not as glorious as it sounds, though, the grueling torture and training. The mental abuse caused to bring me to the top. I'm a glorified fucked up Russian sadistic killer.

I headed back down the elevator to the pit floor then back to my room. I tied up my long pink hair and slipped on a black shirt and black tight fitting yoga pants that stop below my knee. I pulled on black combat boots that reach up to my knee covering the edge of the yoga pants. I grabbed two machete's that were placed on my wall and slipped them into my boots. I hid two smaller knifes and shuriken in my waist band then strapped in my gun holsters, and my katana sheath over my shoulders. I walked over to my bed grabbing both my guns, from under my pillow, slipping them into their holsters. Then I grabbed my katana's, hidden in my bed frame, and sheathed them crossing each other in an "X" shape. Finally I grabbed my black fingerless gloves, with sharp spikes decorating the knuckles for fucking up faces, and pulled them on. Taking the easy way out I walked over to my window slipping outside and climbed the emergency stairs, then heading across the roofs of the building.

The Black Rose Assassin 2012-2016 (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now