Meetings In Diagon Alley

Start from the beginning

It was one August evening, in which they were lounging on the couch of the drawing room with Harry reading the Prophet and Ginny resting on his chest reading a book, that the redhead thought of a plan; a plan to make her brother pay for the embarrassment she had to go through after Ron announced to the world she and Harry had gotten together. Not that she was embarrassed of Harry in any way, but having to receive a million owls about it not only from her family (her brothers wanted to make sure Harry was treating her right) but from angry teens and housewives (yeah, weird) about how she only wanted him for his fame was a little over the top.

"Honey?" She called out, closing the book. "Remember fifth year, I mean, your sixth year?"

Harry closed the paper and tossed it on the floor to hold Ginny closer and bring her to him. He softly kissed her head. "How can I forget?"

Ginny smiled at his touch. "And remember my dear brother mailing my entire family about us?"

"And how we swore one day we would make him pay?" Harry continued. 

"Exactly!" Ginny had turned around and was now sitting on his lap. "I've thought of something."

"You have?" Harry furrowed his brows. "Hit me."

Ginny told him about her diabolic idea and Harry agreed it was a great way to show Ron not to mess with the Potters (or soon to be the Potters, as Harry knew it was only a matter of time for him to build up the courage and ask Ginny to marry him; although he planned to ask her to move in with him by Christmas which she practically did already).

"That's evil." Harry concluded. "And I liked it." He finished, pulling her close for a kiss that soon turned into snogging that was led to the bedroom in no time. How young and passionate were they! 

The next day, they started planning their revenge to be played out on the following weekend. Ron and Hermione were still under the radar about their relationship and despite the fact Harry and Ginny didn't want to drag Hermione into the mess, they couldn't help it. 

And so, they sent an anonymous tip to the Prophet, Witch Weekly and others about Mr. Weasley's possible relationship status with the female third of the Golden Trio and how he might be strolling around Diagon Alley, eager to answer questions, on Saturday afternoon. Then, Harry invited Ron to go shopping for Ginny's birthday present (which he had already bought weeks before) and Ginny invited Hermione for a stroll in Hyde Park to get her away from the mess they were creating. The only flaw in the plan was that Ginny wouldn't be able to see Ron's desperate face when the reporters were to attack him.

When Saturday came around, Ginny said her goodbyes to Harry and went to meet Hermione at her flat in muggle London whilst Harry flooed himself to the Leaky Cauldron where he had agreed to meet Ron for their shopping arrangements. 

"Hey, mate!" Ron greeted as soon as he saw Harry coming through the fire. "How's Ginny? I live with her and I don't get to see her as much as you!" 

"Afternoon, Ron!" Harry hugged his friend with a smile. "Can't help it if we can't stay away from each other. And from what Ginny tells me you're practically living on Hermione's flat anyways."

"Well, we can't really be together in public places just yet, can we?” Ron looked down and Harry had to control himself not to say anything.

"Shall we?" 

Harry led Ron to the brick wall around the back and patted on the right bricks with his wand to open the passage way. Within moments, the two best friends steeped into the busy street with its stores running like the war never happened. Diagon Alley was exactly like Harry remembered from his first trip as an eleven-year-old with Hagrid. 

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