“Boss, weren’t you with the Minister?”

“Hermione got sick, so we had to postponed it. Anything wrong?”

“Yes, actually. Bennett and Maxwell are both back and injured. They caught the bandits torturing mine and Seamus’ missing people. They are in conference room one and refuse going to St. Mungo’s nor the hospital wing until they debrief.”

Harry sighed. “Where’re the suspects?” 

“Locked away downstairs. They did a hell of a job. Hewes and Colby arrived just in time to back them up and help on the arrest. They are in better shape and also waiting for you. The victims are in conference room five. Seamus is there getting their stories and information.”

“Fine. Tell them I’ll be right there. I’m just going to call Ron so he can come stay with Mione.”

“Right away, Harry.”

“And, Susan?” The Head Auror called out before entering his office.

“Yes, boss?”

“How’s Moore and Hall? Can they pause whatever they are doing?” Susan nodded. “Tell them to get the second year kids in conference room three and wait for further notice. I will be right there to brief them.” Susan nodded again and turned her heels to go to her orders. Harry entered his office and sighed again looking at his desk. There were a million parchments on it and a golden note on top of everything. He caught it and read it right away. Golden notes were from the Minister. 


Due to Mrs. Weasley’s situation, the meeting is postponed for after lunch. If she is still not able to join us, I will fill her in later.

See you later.


It looked like the day would be a pain for the young Auror. He turned to the fireplace behind his desk and caught some floo powder to call Ron at his office in the Diagon Alley shop. Although it was his birthday, he insisted on helping Lee out. Ron wasn't at his office so Harry had to go all the way there. Arriving with no glamour, he shook his robes and went out the backdoor to find Ron at the cashier. 

“Ron.” He called out.

“Mate, what are you doing here?” Ron looked so happy to see his best friend.

“Mione. She got sick in the meeting. You should go see her. She’s at the hospital wing with Madam Taylor.”

“What happened?” Ron’s happy face was replaced by one with worry.

“I don’t know. She just vomited.”

“Ron, I’ll cover the store.” Lee had just arrived to their side, hearing Harry’s last words. “Don’t worry, go to your wife.”

“Thanks, Lee.” Ron followed Harry back into his office to floo to the Ministry. Within moments, both men were back at Harry’s office and Ron couldn’t help but notice the yard high of paperwork waiting on Harry’s desk. “Wow, working much?”

Harry shrugged. “It’s been hard without you. But go to Mione, don’t worry about me.” Ron shared a thankful smile with his best friend. “And, Ron?” 

“Yes?” He had reached the door and had already opened it.

“Happy Birthday!”

Ron grinned before heading out to meet his wife. Harry, instead, was left with more situations than he could remember. I should have an assistant, he thought, or at least a partner again. Firsts things first, the trainees or as he liked to call them, the kids. His second year trainees had international courses to be shipped off to. He grabbed the 9 folders with each trainees’ orders and headed to conference room three, where Kelly and Wallace was waiting with the kids. 

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