The Very First Failure (Nobody POV)

Start from the beginning


Russia stared at his hands, "How do I find my trigger then?"

NATO frowned, "Usually, a country will find their trigger when they first Awaken. But in your case... you were most likely unconscious or don't remember."

"Maybe his trigger is being stuck in a burning house."

"Shut it, you-"

The next hour was spent tossing poor Russia through many trials in order to simulate conditions for his Awakening. Some were painful, others were tiresome and America also threw in some infuriating things like dunking barrels of water on the Russian while under the guise of "finding the trigger".

"That didn't work," America commented as he struggled to hold back his laughter, "Let's try something else, shall we?"

The water-logged country could only growl in rage.






After what seemed like forever, the pair had finally run out of ideas.

"Perhaps your trigger really is being stuck in-"


NATO shook his head in defeat, "Are you sure you don't remember how you Awakened? Did anything stir up any feeling?"

"If I were to be honest, the closest thing was America shoving ice cubes down my shirt."



The session ended with disappointment. Nothing had worked and NATO had run out of ideas. Without any reason to stay, they were dismissed back to the main building.

"At least the audience had a jolly good laugh," Ame chuckled as they strolled through the clearing, "Unlike NATO, I do have a few more ideas..."

Suddenly the dirt path under America froze into a slippery sheet of ice which sent him sprawling to the ground.

"DUDE WHAT THE FU-," America coughed as agitated confusion replaced his amusement, "Wait, what?! You found your trigger already? Since when?"

Russia looked down with a slight hint of smugness, "Did you forget that I stopped that dagger for you? Or maybe letting it hit you would have been more noteworthy. Either way, I've already found my trigger, dumbass."

NATO had not been there to witness that incident and yes, America had forgotten all about it. Dark red tinged his cheeks as he realized how foolish he must have seemed. And now the Russian was messing with him.

"... fuck you..." was all that he could muster and the Russian's lips tugged into repressed smile. This partnership just might be worth his time.

NATO finished cleaning up and was about to head back to the main grounds when another agent approached and without a word, NATO knew that he brought bad news.

"Sir, the Headmaster needs you at Headquarters. There's been a troubling development there."

"What could it possibly be now," he sighed. He was not looking forward to another trifling matter.

"Please sir. It's the Gates," the agent urged as NATO's eyes went wide.

"The Otherworld Gates have been breached."







Night had fallen upon the populous Eastern City of Aliaterra. The grand building that held the Eastern Branch of the World Academy was silent and peaceful but the ever growing sense of uneasiness still lingered.

A single individual's footsteps echoed through the vacant halls as a boy in a uniform made his way in solitude. Within the school, there was one infamous room that no one dared to enter unless they were invited in. And that was exactly where he was heading.

He knocked on the door gently and announced his presence. After a while of waiting in the dark, staring at the redwood door embroidered in gold, a soft and calm but commanding voice beckoned, "Come in..."

At these words, the door swung open without any contact.

The room was filled with a hazy incense and an ominous yet calming red glow shimmered through the darkness. The walls were dressed in gold swirls and carvings of celestial beings and a Jade Palace in the clouds. Scrolls that held long flowing brushstrokes were arranged neatly in a wooden cabinet in the back corner and flickering candles and lanterns illuminated a figure seated behind translucent velvet drapes.

"Did you hear? About the newest development, I mean."

"You mean the American's new partner? Or the death of the other country?"

"The first one."

The figure sighed and blew a wisp of smoke into the air, "I have, and I must say... I didn't expect him to reveal himself so soon. Nor did I think that he would make a pact with the capitalist," he chuckled darkly, "It does put a wedge in our agenda but oh well."

"This is getting pretty interesting, if I do say so myself."

"Agreed," he murmured as he turned to face the boy with flashing yellow eyes.


AUTHOR'S NOTES: weewooweewoo.



Brain is fried. Make miStaKeS.............................. help

(also the last thing means "Let's see just how powerful they can be." :P)

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