Deep In Thought

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"L/n! Hey Y/n! Heads up!" Kunimi yelled.

Your attention was taken when the in coming volleyball was sopped by a pair of hands.

"Y/n-chan, you shouldn't zone out like that." Oikawa smirked as he twirled the ball on his finger.

You shook your head. "Yeah right sorry.."

"You okay? You"

You hummed. "Yep, I'm good. Go back to practice before coach yells at you.

"Watch me?" He winked.

"I have to watch the whole team Oikawa."

"Ouch.." Oikawa said as a hand swat him across his head.

"We're deciding into teams loserKawa."

"You don't need to hit me Iwa-chan!"

"Go, before I do it again."

"Y/n-chan1 are you not gonna say something."

You smiled. "Sorry Oikawa..But I didn't see him hit you"

Oikawa groaned in annoyance before marching away.

"You good?" Iwaizumi asked, looking to you.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Y/n..Oikawa and I-"

"Get to practice..before I hit you."

Iwaizumi smiled, but followed your orders.
Your smiled washed off your face once Iwaizumi'sback was turned to you.
You took in a deep breath before looking back at your clipboard with a black page staring at you.
No notes..

You knew coach would have your ass so you tried to push all your thoughts away and tried to focus on the game in front of you.

After practice was doe you were helping Hanamaki with the stray volleyballs. Throwing them into the cart.

"Woah L/n. Ever think of playing basketball? That was a nice throw."

You smiled. "I'll stick with managing you goofballs."

"Who's a goofball?" Oikawa chimed as he came up beside you.

"All of you!" You smiled as you picked up another volleyball and threw it into the cart.
When you did that, Oikawa noticed your hands and how your thumb's nail beds were stained with dried blood.
His smile immediately faded.

"What?" You asked him as he stared at you.

"Can I walk you home?"

"Maybe another night Oikawa..I just wanna talk the walk alone without someone babbling in my ear." You smirked, but you got no response. His face was still and cold.
He always read you like a book.

"Goodnight boys." You said as you waved goodbye and went for your bag. Leaving the gym.

"Somethings wrong." Iwaizumi said as he came over to where you were standing.

"You noticed too?"

"She never rejects your offer to walk her home."

"I know...Her nail beds were bleeding.."

"She was picking?..Something's going on.."

"Should we go after her?" Oikawa asked his friend.

"I don't know Oikawa."

You let the tears fall down your face as you walked back home.
School and exams were weighing on your shoulders as well as what you were gonna do when you did graduate.Wouldyou go to college? what do you even wanna do?

It was making you stressed.

The thing is, when you're stressed. You shut down everyone around you. Craving to be alone.
You would pick up bad habits like picking at your nail beds or chewing off your nails.

You would be constantly in a daze and would zone out the world around you.
You wouldn't realize what you were doing till it was done.

For example...
You stopped in your tracks when you realized where you were.

You were standing in front of what used to be your childhood home.
But all that was left was empty land and a for sale sign.

'Why did I come here?' You asked yourself.

"Well..this wasn't something I would expect to see.."

Your snapped your head to the some what familiar voice and smiled.
"Hello Mrs. Tomo."

"It's been a long time huh?" Your old neighbour asked.

"It has..three years? almost at least."

"Not a day goes by that I wont miss your parents..I can still picture your mom out in the flowerbeds.."

"She really liked her plants." You smiled at the memory.

"You must be in your last year of high school yeah? You look so much older than when you used to live here."

You hummed. "Yeah..I graduate in the next couple months."

"Aoba Johsai? I've always liked the blue an white together." Tomo smiled.

"Me too."

"It's getting late hun. You should be going home."

You nodded to your old neighbour.
"You take care of yourself Mrs. Tomo.."

"You do the same hun."


"T-Tomo..nice lady.." You said as you looked up the night sky. Taking in the cool night air.

"Tomo? Wasn't she your neighbour?" Iwaizumi's voice came behind you, making you jump slightly.

"Oh I remember her! She used to give up popsicles on a hot summers day." Oikawa smiled as he snaked an arm around your waist.
"What's on your mind cutie?"

You hummed.

"Ya know..If you have something on you mind. It's best to talk about it, rather than holding it in." Iwaizumi added in.

"I know..Just been a lot this year..Ya know?"

"What can I do to help?" Oikawa asked.

You shook your head.
"Don't worry about me okay?I'm fine."

Oikawa hummed to you and raised a hand to your hair.
"Your hair is starting to grow back nicely."

You smiled. "Yeah..soon I should be able to put it into a pony tail."

Oikawa chucked. "There's still more time till you'll be able to do that my love."

"I like the short hair Y/n." Iwaizumi added in.

"Thank you." You smiled, feeling less self conscious of your new sort hair.

"Let's get you two home yeah? I only had one drink, I can drive." Iwaizumi offered.

"You ready to go one Y/n?"

"Home sounds good right now."

Oikawa plated a small kiss on the side of your head before intertwining his hand into your, giving it a squeeze.
"You don't need to be stress okay? We can talk it out tomorrow morning if you like..Whatever is on your mind...I'm here to listen."

"Okay Toru."

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