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The drive for Oikawa and Iwaizumi felt like hours.
Iwaizumi was trying his best not to speed and get a ticket, but he desperately wanted to see you, probably just as bad as his best friend.

It's been a while since the old you was with them, to find out that your memories were back, the two were eager to just see you smile.

Meanwhile, you were just waking up after passing out in front of Yuma. And to your surprise, she was still there.


"I hope you don't mind..I kinda made an early dinner for everyone." She smiled coming out of the kitchen. "There's also some water right there." She pointed to the coffee table next to you.

"Everyone? Did you call Toru?"

Yuma smile grew bigger.
"It feels good to hear you call him by his first name again. But yes, I did, and as well as Hajime."


Yuma became worried.
"What do you remember exactly hun?"

"Everything." You smiled.

You swore you saw tears form in Yuma's eyes.
"They're on their way I'm assuming, are you feeling okay? Any dizziness?"

"I'm okay Yuma..Thank you..but is there anything I can help with?" You went to get up from the couch.

Yuma held out a hand. "There's no need love. You should take it easy, you've been out for almost thirty-"

"Where is she!" You heard someone say as they opened the door quickly and aggressively.

"Toru?" Your said, standing up to walk towards the door but you were stoped when you saw your fiancé running towards you.
He had collided with you and engulfed you into a tight hug.

"Tell me you remember! Tell me you're back!"

"I never left Toru."

Oikawa pulled you away form him, the first thing he did was looked into your eyes.
He smiled when he noticed that the light he used to see, has come back.
His Y/n was back.

He didn't hesitate to grab your cheek and collide his lips into yours.
The kiss was desperate and a but messy but neither one of you cared.
You missed him just as much he missed you bu you still felt out of it.
You were still the same y/n but you also weren't.

Iwaizumi cleared his throat to make the two of you pull apart.
You looked over Oikawa's shoulder and gave Iwaizumi a smile.

Walking over to him you opened your arms for a hug, to which he gladly took.

"It want your fault okay?" You whispered in his ear.

"I shouldn't of called you..I knew you were driving.."

"Stop..That is not your fault. It happened and what matters is that I'm okay. I'm here and I'm okay."

When you pulled away from the hug you gave him another smile.
"You both look horrible."

"Pfft." Oikawa rolled his eyes. "I look great, it's Iwaizumi who can't seem to control his eye bags."

You turned back to Iwaizumi.
"You haven't been sleeping?"

Iwaizumi gave you a smile before giving your shoulder a pat and walking over to Yuma.
You watched your friend leave as Oikawa came to your side and snaked his hand around your waist.

"He wont admit it. But he was worried about you too. Did you know that he payed for a hotel the time you spent in the hospital? From what I assume, it was expensive."

"Seriously? why did you never tell me that?"

Oikawa hummed. "You wouldn't of cared as you didn't remember who he was at all."

You nodded.
"In someways I feel as if I still don't."

Oikawa took a step away from you.
"What do you mean by that?"

You sighed. "Well..I remember everything from my childhood, and I remember all the stories you told me..But..I still don't feel like I'm the same girl you guys grew up with."

Oikawa eyed you.

"I don't know how to explain it but I feel, like disconnected from the memories? Like it wasn't me living them?"

"Okay.." He said a confused tone.

"I think what she's trying to say is that she remembers everything in her past but since she's been living without those memories for a while..she just feels like they don't belong to the girl who she is now."

Oikawa grew worried as he was afraid that all time he spent with you, building up the courage to propose, kissing your for the first time. All of it..was it all a waste now?

You looked to Oikawa and put a hand on his cheek, looking at him with nothing but love in your eyes.
"This doesn't mean that I don't still love you Toru."

He leaned into your hand.
He's craved your touch for so long that he couldn't help but melt into your hand.

"When I didn't have the memories Toru, I still felt this power, or energy that drew me to you. My love was always there and It's not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere."

"Alright guys, get a room." Iwaizumi said with a smug look as he crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen.

"We would if we didn't have company!" Oikawa shot back which only earned him a slap in the arm by you.

"I..Think that's my cue to leave."

"Awe Yuma no, I was just making a jo-"

"I know Toru hun, but I do need to get going, I have some paper work to do."

"Still going for retirement?"You smiled.

Yuma smiled back and nodded. "Who knew that there would be so much paper work."

"You're not gonna stay for the dinner that you made?" Iwaizumi added in.

"I'm sorry dears. But I hope you enjoy and we'll talk soon okay?"

"I'll call you tomorrow." You said to Yuma, which only resulted her giving you a sad look.
"Yeah..I remember what tomorrow is."

Oikawa furrowed is brows but then came to realization of the day.
The day your parents died but also the day that you went into Yuma's custody.

"Shall we eat then? And maybe watch a movie after?" You proposed.

"Ahh just like the good days." Iwaizumi smiled as he went back into the kitchen.

You went to go help but Oikawa grabbed your hand, yanking you back into his arms.
"I missed you." He whispered in your ear.

"I love you." You answered back.

Oikawa gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before letting you go.
Happy wasn't the right word to use for Oikawa. He was on cloud nine to see his old Y/n in front of him...well..almost all of you.

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