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Oikawa Toru, Twenty six, was anxiously waiting in the hospital waiting room.
Beside him was his best friend Iwaizumi Hajime, also twenty six.

"They should know something by now right?" Oikawa said as he kept shaking his leg vigorously.

"They'll come update us soon Oikawa.."

Oikawa couldn't help but feel a tug on the sides of his mouth. As Iwaizumi usually never calls him by just Oikawa.
It always trashyKawa, or LoserKawa, something Kawa.

This is also how he knew that his best friend since middle school, was also distressed.

"I'm looking for an Oikawa." A nurse said as she walked out of the emergency room and into the waiting room.

Oikawa stood up immediately but felt like he was about to faint at the sight of blood that was stained on her grey scrubs.
"Are you Oikawa?"

"I-I am.."

"Your fiance will be just fine. But the car crash had major damage to her brain and there was some internal bleeding. But we have her in a stable condition right now."

Oikawa stood frozen in his tracks, his mouth wide open and his eyes glossing over.

"Thank you for the update." Iwaizumi finally said as he met Oikawa by his side, guiding him back to sit down.

"I will let you know when you'll be able to see her." The nurse said before she had disappeared back to what the two men assumed... Was you.

"This is all my fault Iwa.."

"Don't say that."

"No.. But it is.. I was the one who was supposed to drive her to work, but we got into a fight.. A stupid, stupid fight.. And now.. S-sh-shes..." He trailed off as his tears were falling freely down his face.

"She's gonna be fine Oikawa.. Just..try and keep a level head, this is not your fault, it was the drunk driver who thought it was a damn good, f*cking idea.." Iwaizumi paused because the tears he has been desperately trying to hold back, have finally broke through.

Both Oikawa and Iwaizumi sat in each other's comfort, both sharing tears for someone who meant dearly to them.

This was two weeks ago.
July 20th.

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