Stories and Introductions

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"...You were always there for me."

"Oikawa! Hey Oikawa Wait!" You yelled to the setter who looked like he was about to lose it.
"Hey! Will you just stop for a moment!"

It was the day of the spring preliminaries.
Aoba Johsai had just lost to Karasuno for the spot of the Miyagi prefecture for nationals.
Right now, the bus had just arrived back to the school and everyone parted ways.

Except you and Oikawa.
You were currently changing the guy who was speed walking to the gym, to only you could assume was to practice more volleyball.

Since you were the manager, you watched the whole thing, front line and centre.
You watched as the team lost in the third set and the faces that everyone had to their defeat.
The whole thing had broke your heart since this was the last game for the third years..including yourself.

"OIKAWA TORU!" You yelled once more as you finally made it into the gym where Oikawa was about to get started in.
"Will you please stop walking away from me?"

"What's there to say L/n-chan? We lost! I don't wanna hear your pity!"

"Will you please get your head out of your as*!"

"You sound like Iwa-chan."

You rolled your eyes. "Look at me Oikawa."

"No." He pouted as he turned his back to you.

You hated how Oikawa was being and wanted to comfort him because you knew better than anyone else, that he'd be beating himself up right now and putting all the blame onto himself, and you didn't want that.

In a quick reaction, you ran to Oikawa and engulfed him into a hug from behind. Holding onto him tight.
"This is not your fault okay?" You spoke in soft words.

Oikawa was shocked to see your arms wrapped around him, but at the same time he found comfort in your embrace.
Feeling greedy he turned around returned to hug to you.

"I know you're beating yourself up in your head right now, but there was nothing different you could of done. As much as you hate to hear this Oikawa, Karasuno won fair and square okay? The combination of that quick attack and their receivers were hard to go up against as it is. So please..for me..don't blame yourself."

Oikawa listened to every word you said, and even though he hated how you said that basically Karasuno deserved to go against Shiratorizawa and maybe make it to nationals, made him mad. But he also knew what you were trying to get at.
You were an observant person after all. That's why Oikawa convinced you to join the team as a manager in his first year.

"I'm sorry L/n.." Oikawa said as tears flowed down his face and started to soak your shoulder.

"Let it out Oikawa..I'm here. I'm not going anywhere okay?"

After a few minutes of holding each other, Oikawa was the one to pull away.
"Did you really chase after me to just give me a hug?"

You smiled. "Well I also knew you needed a friend."

Oikawa stared into your e/c eyes with nothing but admiration.
Oikawa had feeling for you since the first time he me you in middle school.
Using volleyball as an excuse to not confess to you.
But at this moment right now. He didn't care.

You have proved to Oikawa more than enough times that you weren't going anywhere as his friend and on this day, he wanted to change the relationship between the two of you.

"Y/n?" Oikawa said in a clam voice.

You were taken aback by the use of your first name. Oikawa never called you by your first name so you didn't know what the guy was thinking at the moment.

"I know this may seem sudden and totally out of character of me..but."

"Oikawa are you about to confess to me right now?" You smirked.

Oikawa took a step back and his mouth wide open.
"W-Wait! Ho-how?"

"I mean I was just joking but..wait you actually were?"

Oikawa crossed is arms. "Well now I'm not."

You smiled. "I like you too Toru."

" do?"

You nodded to him. "Wasn't that kind obvious?"

"But..why didn't you tell me sooner?"

You shrugged. "Well because I didn't wanna ruin our friendship..we've been friends since the start of middle school and well..I didn't think you liked me. Especially since you just got dumped by another girl."

Oikawa sighed. "Wow.."


"So what?" Oikawa asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you gonna ask me on a date or what?"

Oikawa took a step closer to you.
"I'll do ya one better." He said as he leaned into you and sealed your lips to his.
Sealing a bad day with something great.

Turning a friendship into a relationship.



"I know." Oikawa smiled.

"Sounds dramatic.."

"I mean...I guess you could call it that.."

You chuckled which made Oikawa happier than he'd admit.
He hasn't heard you small chuckles in two weeks.

" long have we've been together exactly?"

"Eight years."

Your mouth dropped.
"Wow.. Eight years...and we're only engaged?"

Oikawa chuckled.
"That was your doing actually.."


"You actually made it clear that you didn't wanna get married, but I kept pushing and finally you let me propose."

"Was it also in a school gym?"

Oikawa laughed.
"No..but that's also a story for another day."

"It's good to see you talking Y/n." Iwaizumi's voice chimed through the doorway. In his hands was two paper bags.
"I brought your favorite y/n."

You smiled to the man you didn't know exactly.
Looking over to Oikawa for an answer.

"Y/n, this is Iwaizumi, he's also your best friend."

"Best friend?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You, me and Iwa, have been friend since middle school."

You sat up on the hospital bed.
"I guess that's another story for later huh?"

"Let's eat Y/n." Iwaizumi said with a small smile.

Lost Memories. (OikawaXreader) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora