A Good Thing

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"Ah! This is the last of it!"Oikawa said as he placed the last box from the moving truck onto the living room floor.
He smiled when he noticed you staring out the big window in the living room.
"I see why you picked this place Y/n.."

You smiled, but not turning to look at him.
"What can I say. I like the view."

Oikawa snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you tight to his chest.
"Is the view the busy streets or the moon you're excited to see tonight?"

You smirked.
"There's a full moon tonight."

Oikawa hummed. "Knew it."

"Hey? Love birds? Wanna go out for a drink?" Iwaizumi's voiced chimed behind the two of you.

"Y/n? You down for a drink?" Oikawa asked.

You hummed in response. "That'd be nice..Looking at all of these boxes is already stressing me out."

"Well they can wait till tomorrow." Oikawa smiled as he kissed he side of your cheek, letting you go and heading out the door with Iwaizumi.

You took one more moment to stare at the window. The sun was setting now and the sky was lit up with orange, purple and pink hues.
You smiled before running to catch up with the boys.


"Y/n-chan..I-I don't think this is safe.."

"Oh come on! What? Is the Toru Oikawa, afraid of heights?" You teased.

"N-no..It's just..Y/n-chan..This is the ROOF of you HOUSE! Won't your parents be mad if they find us up there?"

"No..I come and sit out here all the time! Now come on!" You said grabbing thirteen year old Oikawa's hand. Dragging him to your bedroom window.

"Move your ass Oikawa!"

"I am! But you really think that this a good idea? I mean what if your parent catch us and then I can't come over for the night anymore?"

"Stop over thinking." You said, climbing out the window and onto the lowest roof of your house. You extended your hand. "Come on." You smiled.

Oikawa hesitated but took your hand anyways. You helped him it the window and then into the roof.
You both stood on top of the house, looking at the sky.
"Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yeah.." Oikawa said, but he was looking at you and not the sky.

You noticed this and gave him a little push by habit.
Oikawa stumbled a bit making you open your eye wide ad grab ahold of his shirt.
You grabbed his collar and pulled him. But you used a bit too much force as his face was now right in front of yours.

"Gonna kiss me Y/n-chan?" Oikawa smirked.

You let goof his shirt and clicked your tongue.
"Let's sit and look at the moon."

"The moon?" He questioned as he took a seat next to you. "Why not the stars?"

"The moon is prettier.."

"But there's stars that you can make patterns of..the moon is just a circle of some sort. There's no fun to it at all."

You shrugged your shoulders. "Sure..but it tells me a story."

"And what's that?"

"That no matter the day. I will always come out to bid you goodnight."

Oikawa smiled. "You tried your best to be poetic didn't you?"

You let out and annoyed sigh. "I won't hesitate to throw you off this roof!"

"So mean!" He cooed.
His smile faded as he watch you stare at the moon. He furrowed his brows. "What's the real reason you like the moon so much?"

"I don't know..It's just..when I look at it, it calms me down..Makes me feel that no matter how dark I might be feeling, the moon is there to light the way for me."

Oikawa kept his side remarks to himself.
He decided himself to look up to the moon, just to see how entrancing it is.
"You come up here a lot don't you Y/n-chan?"

"Every night."

"Every night?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Even in the winter time..It's just always there for me when I need it.."

"Cute." He whispered.

"I'm sorry?" You said, looking at him.

He shook his head. "I said 'nerd'."

You rolled your eyes. "Call me nothing you want..I'll always love the moon..You can take me away from it for years, but I'll always be drawn back to it.."

"Noted." Oikawa smiled. He continued to watch your stare into the night sky. He admired the way the moonlight hit your face.
He felt his heart beating up faster, his cheeks becoming hot.

It was this night when Oikawa Toru, realized his feelings for you.


"Earth to Y/n! Yahoo!" Oikawa said waving his hand in your face.

You snapped your eyes to him. "Sorry..I'm sorry..what were we talking about?"

"You okay? You seemed lost in thought there for a moment." Iwaizumi spoke up.

You ran a hand through your hair. "I guess it's just I'm still getting random memories every so often..Like a scent or a familiar space, send a memory that was connected to it..I guess i just got lost in this last one.."

"You look pale.." Oikawa said with a worried tone.

"I think I'm just gonna go outside for some air.." You then got up from the booth the three of you were in. You finished off ypur drink before heading out the door.

Oikawa went to go after you but Iwaizumi stopped him.
"Give her a minute to breathe..A lots happened this past month..I'm sure it's just stress..You know how she got when she was stressed."

Oikawa slumped down in his seat.
Also finishing off his drink.
"I know..that's what makes me scared.."

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