Time Together

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The rest of the night consisted of many laughs and jokes between you and your two best friends.
You haven't felt this alive since before the accident.

"Wait wait wait! I don't remember it happening like that!"

"No I swear that's what Yuma said! I even remember it like word for word."

"Okay I remember you kissing Iwaizumi but I do not remember me saying that I wanted to be your first kiss Y/n." Oikawa pouted.

You and Iwaizumi were laughing as you watched Oikawa pout.
It felt amazing to laugh like this again.

"No you did say that, I even remember that, we were in her room remember?" Iwaizumi added.


That only made you and Iwaizumi laugh harder.
"Toru, it's okay, I know I hurt your feelings but look where we are now. Were engaged-Wait..Toru? where's my ring?"

Oikawa shot off the couch fast.
He then ran into your shared room.

You looked to Iwaizumi for answers.
"They took off all jewelry when you went for surgery. Your ring included. LoserKawa was going to give i to you when you woke up but.."

"I didn't remember who the hell he was.."


It wasn't long till Oikawa came back with the ring in hand.
He smirked as he looked at you and got down on one knee.
"Y/n, will you marry me..uh.again?" He looked to Iwaizumi. "Is that the right thing to say?"

You lightly pushed onto his shoulder and held out your hand.
"Give me my ring back TrashyKawa."

Oikawa put a hand on his heart and pretended to be hurt. "Ouch Y/n, that hurt."

"I taught her well."

"Oh shut it Iwa!"

The three of you shared another good laugh with each other.
You took in the moment with full embrace.
You were happy to see these two happy again.
They were different from what they were when you woke up in the hospital.
They had the light in their eyes and their smiles weren't fading.
It was like a new atmosphere and you loved it.

You'd be lying if you said that you didn't feel a bit weird about your situation.
You still had that out of body feeling with the whole memory thing.
Yes you know regained all your memories and you can finally pin point every memory a picture was connected to.
But you still felt like you weren't the Y/n before the accident.

The weirdest thing that is spinning through your head is the fact that you remember not having memories.
You remember how it was like to live without any memories of your past.
Weird, was the wrong word to use.

Even though your mind was every where, you still enjoyed the night with the two, and you were grateful to have them by your side.

Iwaizumi ended up leaving just before midnight, leaving you and Oikawa alone.

"I'm gonna go shower, I haven't since yesterday..and I played a game today."

You smiled to him. "I thought I smelt something, but I wasn't gonna say anything."

Oikawa clicked his tongue and threw a couch throw pillow at you playfully.

"Go shower stinkykawa."

"So mean!"

You watched Oikawa's figure walk away and into the bathroom. When he shut the door, your smile faded and you grabbed your head with your hands.
You took in small deep breaths as you tried to regain yourself.
You were feeling overwhelmed and the last thing you wanted to do was to show it to the two men..you didn't want t burden them with anything else.

Once you controlled your breathing you looked up and out of the window in front of you.
You smiled when you saw a full moon, shining brightly in your dim living room.
You have always found comfort with the moon and you were happy that it wasn't hiding behind clouds tonight.

"I can't believe this...who would of thought that something like this would ever happen to me?" You spoke to no one in particular.
"I'm freaking out..I now remember everything but it feels like it's too much..It's like movies on repeat in my brain, just playing over and over again.."

You felt a tear run down your cheek.
"But I am so grateful. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. No never.."

You continued to stare out the window and watched the odd bird fly by the moonlight.
You knew that tonight was going to be hard to fall asleep, so you decided to make you and Oikawa a cup of calming tea.

"You okay?" Oikawa asked as he came into the kitchen in his pyjama pants and a towel to dry his hair.

"Yeah why?"

"You have two cups out for tea...what's on your mind cutie?"

You smiled to his childish pet name.
"I think it's gonna be one of those nights where I won't be able to find sleep."

Oikawa nodded as e ran the towel through his hair.
"Would you like me to run a bath for you?"

"No..I'm okay..I think this tea and your cuddles will be enough."

Oikawa shot you a wink.
"You're too cute...I missed it."

You eyed Oikawa with a questionable look.

Oikawa took this moment to walk over to you.
He put both his hands on your waist and lifted you onto the kitchen counter effortlessly.
Taking a deep breath, he spoke. "When I brought you home after the hospital, you were so confused and so different that i was afraid that I'd never get you back. I thought that I had lost you for good and I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't scared that you'd leave me."

You wrapped your arms around his neck and played with the ends of his hair that stuck to the back of his neck.
"Even if I wanted to leave, I just couldn't."

"What do you mean?"

"Well..Like I told you earlier. I had this energy that kept pulling me back to you, like I knew that I was meant to be with you..I just didn't know why."

Oikawa hummed in response, staring straight into your eyes with nothing but love.

"I also want to thank you Toru. You stayed with me and never gave up on me."

"But I did. I left you to be alone in our apartment."

"But that was, what was best before. But even though you didn't live with me, you still called and checked in sometimes. I also know for a fact that I never left your mind."

Oikawa smiled.
"You were always able to read me like a book."

You chuckled.
"I love you Toru."

"I love you Y/n, forever and always."

"You're so cheesy."

Oikawa playfully rolled his eyes.
"Only for you cutie."

Lost Memories. (OikawaXreader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant