Taking It Easy

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"...Home sweet home."

The first thing you noticed was the giant window in front of you.
You were fairly high up in the building and you could feel the difference just by standing there.

"Are you hungry?" Oikawa asked as he lead you inside the shared apartment.

"If you don't mind..I actually like to shower."

"Oh yeah, of course! Follow me I'll show you to the bathroom and bedroom okay?"

"Sure." You said as you took small baby steps with Oikawa, still not fully balanced to walk normal.

Once he showed you the bedroom and where your clothes were, he waited outside the door for you to pick out your things to change into after your shower.

Oikawa had turned on the water for you and gave you a fresh clean towel. You smiled when the scent of the laundry detergent that was used had some familiarity to it.
Making you think that a memory might be jogged up.

Once you shut the bathroom door, you undressed and stepped into the warm water, letting all your worries and frustrations run away with the water.

Meanwhile Oikawa took this time to call Iwaizumi, who had been blowing up his phone for an update.

"We made it home, have you?"

"I just made it back from Tokyo, about to get something to eat."

"I'm about to make something for us too..Hey how much was the hotel for two weeks anyway?"

"Don't worry about."

"Iwa-chan..come on you can tell me."

"I said don't worry about it! Now how's she doing with coming home?"

"Hesitant..But I could see that she felt something when she walked in..the first thing she noticed was the window."

"She was the one who wanted the place just because of that damn massive window.."

"I think it's gonna take time getting used to things but she's in the shower right now."

"I'll let you go then, make something healthy okay? I'm sure she needs it."

"Yeah, yeah, I know! Oh also..she wants you to come over later if that's okay?"

"Text me when she wants me over."

"Okay, see ya later Iwa-chan!"

With that Oikawa hung up his phone and moved to the kitchen to get some breakfast/Lunch made for the two of you.


Once out of the shower, you took extra precautions drying off, as you didn't want to rip open any scapes on your body.

Wrapping the towel around your body, you wiped down the steam cover mirror and stared at yourself.
A single tear ran down your frozen face when the first thought that came to mind was...who was this person staring back at you.

You started to feel overwhelmed when you couldn't even remember what you looked like. That this reflection was a different person and the thought made you anxious.
But you tried to push them away as another thing caught your e/c eyes.
Your hair.

You were informed that you had brain damage and could only assume that there was surgery involved in someway, which may be the reason why your hair was shaved almost down to the scalp.

Running a hand through the hair that had been growing for the past two weeks, you felt the scar on the back of your head, where the surgery must of been down.
Deciding that looking at yourself anymore would cause you to freak out, you changed as quickly as you could and through on the hood of your hoodie and went to find Oikawa.

The smell of pancakes filled your nose with a bliss of vanilla, it made your mouth water.

"Ah, how was your shower?" Oikawa smiled as he put a plate that was stacked with pancakes on the kitchen table.

"Relaxing I guess...did you make these?"

"I did, come sit." He said as he pulled out a chair for you.

"Thank you." You said as you took a seat and waited for Oikawa to sit down before digging into the food in front of you.

For a few moments, you both sat in comfortable silence as you slowly picked at the food.
Your appetite wasn't the biggest after the long look in the mirror just moments before.

"Why are you wearing your hood? Are you cold?" Oikawa asked to break the silence.

"Oh um..no I'm not cold..Um.."

Oikawa waited patiently for you to continue.

"What was my hair like? Like before the accident?"

Oikawa took a moment before clueing in.
He knew that you must of seen yourself in the mirror and it raised the question.
"Well, you had H/l and H/c hair..but since they had to do surgery-"

"That part I understand.." You said cutting him off which made Oikawa feel uneasy.

"I still think you're beautiful."

You felt your cheeks flush as you hurried your face into your hood more to hide the fact that you were flustered.

"I'm sorry..I should choose my words more carefully.." Oikawa said in a sad tone. He wasn't used to you acing this way. Usually when he'd call you beautiful or pretty, you'd roll your eyes and tell him to shut up, but this was different now and he needed to get used to it.
"Uh anyways, I thought we could just take it easy today? Maybe watch a movie?"

"I'd like that." You agreed, finishing off your pancakes.

"I called Iwaizumi when you were in the shower, he just got home from Tokyo himself and I told him that you wanted him to come over in a little bit."


"How about around dinner? we can order in and just catch up?" Oikawa said in a shaky voice.

"That sounds nice, thank you."

Oikawa offered you a smile before collecting the plates and taking them into the kitchen to clean up.
You took this time to explore around the apartment, looking at all the pictures and trinkets, in hoped that something would jump out at you for a memory.

As Oikawa was washed the dishes, he felt a pain in his heart.
This was hard for him, to smile at the woman who stole his heart and gave him a chance back in high school.
To have her look at him and see nothing but a stranger while he saw his beautiful fiancé.
Things were different now and he didn't like it.

If it wasn't for the doctor giving Oikawa hope that your memories might return in time, he'd be a complete mess right now.
But he also knew that he needed to be strong for you, even if you didn't know it.

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