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The week went on and Friday finally came. It was the end of the day and my friends and I went to go see the poster for the school musical.

"Mean Girls." Silena exclaimed.

"I know, right?" I said, running up behind them. Silena flipped around to me.

"You knew?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Um... I wanted it to be a surprise?" Silena growled and turned to the rest of us.

"Do any of you guys plan on auditioning?"

Piper shrugged. "I think it would be fun! Are you and Cal doing it?"

I nodded. "I have a few people I might go for, I could audition for Regina-"

"I wanted to audition for her!" Silena crossed her arms.

"You're acting like a baby-"


"But, I have other options too. There's also Gretchen-"

Piper snorted. "I was gonna audition for her, actually."

"Okay then," I sighed. "The last option I had was Cady."

"You would be a perfect Cady!" Silena squealed. "And you get so many songs!"

"Oh, but your songs are so much cooler!"

"I'm right here, y'know." Piper laughed. We apologized and she looked at everyone else. "Anyone else?"

Will groaned. "I'll probably end up having to be involved with it in some way." Nico giggled and Will stepped on his foot.

Zoë poked her head in the crowd and squinted at the board. "I could audition for Janis, that would be fun."

"And we get to be on stage with each other like 50% or the time." I pointed out.


"You guys do know you can't take all the roles, right?" Leo laughed. I rolled my eyes at him.

"There's still a ton left: there's Damein, Karen, Aaron-"

"Okay, I never asked for you to tell me every sing character!"

"You made the comment!"

"You answered me!"

"If I didn't you would keep complaining!"

"Woah, woah!" Silena stepped in. "Weren't you guys were laughing with each other a few minutes ago?"

"Shut it, Silena." I huffed.


"We've had enough school for one day, don't you think?" Everyone nodded.

Piper took a flyer from a basket near the board. "It says auditions are Monday- that is definitely not enough time to practice."

"Let alone practice by yourself."

"Who said we needed to be by ourselves?" Silena asked.

"True." Piper agreed. "Cal, Silena, do you guys wanna come over tomorrow?"

"Hey, what about the rest of us?" Leo complained.

"Anyone can come, really-"

"They'll be a distraction!" I protested.

"No they won't!" Piper addressed our friends. "Leo knows where the spare key of my house is. Anyone who wants to come can."

I decided not to protest and agreed. We wentour separate ways and I headed home.

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