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After Calculus, I headed down to history, dreading what may come. From what I'd heard from Jason in the hall, the guy Calypso was crushing on was in our History class.

Just great.

I walked into class, expecting the worst. And oh, it was the worst all right.

Calypso sat in her usual seat, right in front of my empty one. In the one in front of her however, sat a super good looking guy. And those two were definitely flirting. Piper spotted me and smiled. "Leo! Come meet the new guy!"

The "new guy" turned his head to look at me. His perfectly white teeth, his large build- Ugh! He was just the type of guy Calypso would fall in love with.

"Hey, man!" He stood up and headed over to me. "I'm Odysseus, Odysseus King! And you are?"

I looked down at his hand, and then at Calypso. She was glaring me down, and her stare hurt almost as much and what I had to do next.

I took his hand, and shook it. "Valdez, Leo Valdez."

"Come over here!" Hazel called us over. "We can talk about Odysseus's whole 'back story'!"

I began to walk over, and took my seat.

Coming behind me, Odysseus laughed, "You make it sound like I'm a movie character!"

"Sure do look like one." I heard Calypso mumble, only loud enough that I was just able to hear it. I rolled my eyes, and tried my best to ignore it.

Apparently, Odysseus had came from Ithaca, some place in Greece. He also really likes flowers, and knows a ton about them.

"And that's why red roses are a sign of love." He finished, acting like he did some whole big speech.

Calypso giggled and twisted her hair, a habit I learned she did while she was admiring something- flowers for example, but in this case, a person. "You act as if some of us didn't know that."

"Did any of you guys know that?" He turned to us all. Everyone shook their heads. Silena reluctantly shook hers because she of course, obviously knew what it meant. "Well, well sunshine. What do ya know?" And everyone- including Calypso- laughed.



He just called her sunshine, and nothing happened. No eye roll, no scoffing, no snappy comeback. Just a laugh. Something I could only get her to do once every week-  if I was lucky!

Mr. Brunner finally walked in and started the class.

By the time it ended, Calypso was all over Odysseus, and I was all over love.


Finally, 5th period came, which was Science. This was one of the few classes I had with her, and I was already over the day.

I walked into Science, and found out that today we were doing a lab.

"I will be assigning you your lab partners, and I hope you're all wearing the proper attire."

I heard Calypso curse herself silently behind me. "Sir, can I grab something from my locker?"

"Go ahead, Ms. Othrys. Be fast."

She rushed out the room, and within seconds was back. This time, however, she was wearing a large hoodie. On the back, it read "King". That wasn't the strange part,  though. I felt like I had seen it before... but where?

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