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Today, I decided to walk. I wasn't in the mood for driving.

What was all this drama about dates for? You always had to have a girlfriend or boyfriend, and you definitely had to have a crush. Well, I didn't think so. All it did was cause trouble and break hearts, that's all.

I cursed to myself about the insufferable Leo Valdez. With his elvish features and his short hair, and his grimy work clothes from after he worked on the stupid lights in class and-

"Ow!" I heard a man yell in front of me as I crashed into him.

"Gods! I am so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going!" I said, helping him up.

"It's fine, you probably didn't even mean to-" He stopped and stared at me. I, dumbfounded, stared back at him.

Standing in front of me was one of the hottest guys I've ever seen. He looked around my age, had fine cheekbones, a muscular build, and was at least 6 feet tall, which was like, 10 inches tall than me.

We both looked at each other for a few more seconds. I finally realized what I was doing and apologized. "Sorry!"

"No, it's really okay." He said, looking me over. "Odysseus," He held out his hand.

"Oh- uhm. Cute- I MEAN Calypso!" I shrieked, and took his hand.

He laughed. "Are you from around here?"

"Uh, yeah. Are you?"

"Actually, I'm kinda new. I start going to Goode High next week." I tried to contain my happiness, but ended up smiling like an idiot. "Is that a good thing?" He joked.

"Yeah, I actually go there!"

"Nice! So, I guess I'll have to talk to you then?"


"But why wait?" He pulled out his phone and looked up at me. "Can I have your number?" Before I had time to think over my decision, I took his phone and put in my number.

"Sweet! I'll call you, okay?"

"Yeah sure, see you!"

He winked at me and he was off.


"ZOË!" I exclaimed, bursting into her room.

"What's wrong?" She asked, getting up from her bed.

"I met someone."

She looked at me unimpressed and spoke.

"I thought you were 'oh, so afraid' of relationships?"

If I'm being absolutely honest, I'd thought about it, but didn't seem to care. Sure, I've done the same thing with others guys- warning my self and not caring anyways- but I had faith in this one, I was sure of it.

"Well, yeah but.." I tried to think of an excuse.

"Cal, I'm all about you trying again, but do you know much about this guy?"

"I know he's attending Goode High starting next week!"

"His name?"


"Last name?"

"Does that matter?"

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