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I woke up Saturday morning, still wearing my costume....and Leo's hoodie.

Gods, what had gotten into me last night? I shook it off, got out of bed, and headed into the hallway. As soon as stepped out, I spotted Zoë and my mother near the stairs.

"But Zoë-" My mother stopped, noticing me. "Calypso! You're up! You've been asleep for quite sometime, and I heard that you had a fun time last night!" She smiled.

"Morning, mom. And yeah, last night was... something. What's Zoë upset about?" My mother looked at Zoë and back at me.

"Um, nothing! Go get changed and head down for breakfast. I'll explain everything then." Confused, I headed to the bathroom and got ready for the day.


At last, we were all sitting at the table, eating breakfast. "So, are you going to explain?" I asked.

"Watch your tone-"

"I wasn't even-"

"And I will- after you tell me about last night. Who's Leo, what's he like?"

I threw my fork down and flipped my head. "Zoë!" She took a sip of her orange juice. "You to told mom?"

"She wanted to know!"

"Girls." My mother gave us both a stern look. "And I'm very sorry about Odysseus, dear. Maybe this Leo boy can be the o-"

"Mom! No, no, no. I don't like Leo like that- well- I don't think I like Leo like that.... or he likes me or- I don't know!" I put my hands and my face and groaned out of frustration.

I felt my mother's hand on my back. "You don't have to figure things out now, Cal. You shouldn't stress over it." I picked my head back up and looked up at her. Maybe bad luck with relationships just ran in the family. My mother dated my father for a bit, and they ended up not working together at all. He went on to marry my horrible step mother, Pleione. My mother is single now, and hasn't dated anyone in the last 16 years. Then there's Zoë, whose heart lies with no one, but that's fine. And finally there's me, who at this point might as well end up like my mother.

"So, are you gonna tell her about what's happening?" Zoë sighed.

"What's happening?" I asked.

My mother sat up and took a deep breath. "Your father and stepmother are coming to New York."


According to my mother, my father was coming Sunday night. I was personally excited to see my father in such a long time, but Zoë was upset about both of then coming. She made that very present during lunch.

"My father and his shit wife are coming to New York." She growled. Everyone had been silent for the past few minutes, just letting her go on and on. I sat quietly as well, occasionally rolling eyes. "What business does he have coming here anyway?"

"I don't know, to see his daughters?" Bianca replied. After seeing Zoë's murderous glare she gave her, Bianca bit her lip. "Sorry!"

"Oh, shush Bianca! I don't want him over here, that's all."

A shook my head and finally spoke up. "It'd be nice to see him, we haven't in such a long time."

"It's been been like, 3 months, Cal. And it's not like you don't talk to him every day!"

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