
"You knew sleeping with him would break our tie, didn't you?" Hoseok accused, Yoongi scoffed at him, "What? No. I had no fucking idea that's what would break the tie. I just didn't think about making him put a condom on."

"Sure. Because all of that research you, Jungkook, and Namjoon did led up to a bunch of nothing. Just admit it, Yoongi, you knew." Hoseok said, taking a few steps closer to the smaller, they were at arms length.

"I told you about it before, we found nothing. Things couldn't be translated clearly and websites kept disappearing. If you wanted to keep me from accidentally breaking the tie, then you should've warned me from the beginning."

"Like you would've listened to me."

"Hoseok. I swear I didn't know." Yoongi said, "I shouldn't have to prove it to you. I wanted to sleep with Seojun because I wanted him. Not because I wanted make you all pissy." Yoongi snapped, Hoseok scoffed.

"What did he have that I didn't? If you wanted to fuck so bad, all you had to do was knock on my door."

"Because this isn't about you, Hoseok! God, why do you guys always have to compare yourselves to each other? I shouldn't have to sit here and create a fucking Venn diagram for you to understand how little I compare you two other than being two suffocating pieces of shit!" Yoongi yelled, he then scoffed, running a hand through his hair as he turned away from Hoseok.

"I mean, fuck! Even the way you two screw me is different. I had to fucking beg Seojun just to be a little rough because he was so fucking gentle with me from beginning to end." Yoongi said, It was Hoseoks turn to scoff as he looked at the smaller. "So, what? He treated you gentle and now you want him instead of me?"

"No, I want no one, Hoseok. I'm so fucking tired of your shit along with Seojun's, okay? I'd rather date another fucking mortal than spend more time going back and forth between the two of you. I don't want a relationship with you, and I sure as hell don't want a relationship with Seojun. So fucking. Leave it." Yoongi said, he huffed when he finished speaking, he needed to calm down, in the time of them going back and forth, the two got closer. There was little room between them and Yoongi took a step backward.

"I'm just looking out for you, Yoongi. Seojun isn't who he says or acts like he is." Hoseok said, "You'll get hurt if you continue to let him be around you."

"Then let me, Hoseok. Let me get hurt. Let me cry and be in pain. If I haven't listened to you since the first time you said to stay away from him, then what makes you think things will change? If I'm still dumb enough to stay around him and get hurt. Fucking. Let me." Yoongi said, Hoseok clenched his jaw before he stepped closer to the younger.

"So what? I can't care about you anymore just because our tie is broken?" Hoseok asked, Yoongi paused, he broke eye contact and took a step back, towards the door. For a minute, Hoseok thought he would say no, that they could still talk and call each other. That they could still be in touch.

"I guess so."


"There's nothing connecting us anymore, nothing has ever been there to connect us. I apologize for the pain you went through when I broke our tie. I..I didn't know that would happen, I swear. But I won't apologize for wanting to step away from you."

"Listen, I know I did some fucked up shit to you and the people you care about, I admit it. But do you really think Seojun will be any better?" Hoseok asked, Yoongi meet his eyes and shook his head. "I don't care if he's better. I don't want to be with him. I might not ever even go back to him, Hoseok. I want to be alone. Not with you, not with Seojun. Alone."

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