"Mack, I wouldn't do that to you. I love you," he says, but I no longer believe it and I especially don't feel it.

"Do you? What is happening to us? We don't talk, we don't spend time together like we used to. We just exist under the same roof. I'm not sure you really do love me, I think it's just easier for you to live like this. You don't have to do anything, you have no responsibilities, and you know that I will keep picking up the goddam pieces."

"What are you saying Mack?" Noah says bitterly, his voice now raising too.

"Do you not love me anymore? Think you can do better than me now that you have your new fancy job. Maybe it's you that's the problem. Are you looking for an out Mack, looking for a chance to go stick another guys dick in you? Throw away the last 5 years of our lives just like that?"

By now he is standing right in front of me. He is practically spitting his words into my face. I stare him in the eye, and refuse to back down, I can see the anger, the resentment he currently has for me as he believes his words. Maybe they are true though. Either way, this isn't the Noah that I know, that I fell in love with, but it seems this is who he is now.

"Maybe some other guy might be able to actually get me off. Another guy might meet my needs too and give a shit. Another guy might provide for me or help me out once in a while instead of leaving every little thing to me," I spat back at him.

I watched as his eyes narrowed and he changed from being just angry to absolutely livid. He takes a step closer to me, and I step back , but my lower back to hits the edge of the bench and I'm trapped as he removes all the space between us.

"What are you saying Mack? Don't I do it for you anymore? You used to scream my name," he sneers, his voice laced with venom as I shudder. He has me trapped and I've never seen him this angry and unpredictable before. I have no idea what his next move will be.

Refusing to show any of the fear that he is making me feel, I reply. "I haven't screamed your name while you fuck me for a long time. I have to get myself off after we are done just to feel something!"

As soon as the words leave my lips though, I know this confession was the wrong thing to say right at this time as it only made him angrier.

He pushed his whole body against mine as though trying to prove to me that my words were wrong. I should have been shocked to feel that this argument had apparently turned him on, but I wasn't, I could feel the sexual tension in the air. It seemed that anger and jealousy over the idea of someone else having me was the one thing to make him want me.

I wanted to fight it, but as messed up as it was, the feel of his rock hard cock pressing against my core was only turning me on too. I don't know if it was him I wanted, or just wanted to feel a release.

"Prove me fucking wrong then. Make me scream your name and I'll admit that I was wrong. Show me that you can make me come Noah," I hissed, knowing I was provoking him even more, but now needing it as I moved my hips against his just slightly.

His breathing got heavier the more I moved my hips creating friction between us. When he didn't make any movement I decided I either needed this to move along or end it. The meat sizzled behind me, asking for my attention as Noah kept me pressed between himself and the bench.

"You fucking can't," I whispered, attempting to push him off me so I could tend to our now probably burnt dinner.

In the blink of an eye, like my last words spurred him on even more, or maybe it was the way I doubted him, he reached over and flicked the gas off on the stove, then grabbed at my hips turning me around and forcing me to bend over the bench slightly.

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