Chapter 1: The Legendary Phantom Catchers

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It's all dark, until the Lights comes on, revealing Kyle Torikara, sitting down.

Kyle: Oh, hey guys! you were expecting Haruhiko? I know.

he gets up.

Kyle: But since this is my story, I'll be part of these intros from now on and I'll be talking about the Phantoms.

He walks up to a interactive board that turns on and shows the 8 different Phantom types.

Kyle: Somethings can be a bit of a pain, but do you know what is a pain? Picking! yep, picking what you want is annoying, but it's how we all go, right?

the board changes to 4 different students all shadowed.

Kyle: But for me, I'm picking Hosea Academy because they have a very unique phantom club their and I want to join. and Team E will be learning about the Phantom world that they never knew!

(Insert intro)

We go to a scene infront of Hosea Academy.

Haruhiko (Narriating) : it's been months after Sealing Enigma, Everything has gone back to normal.

Haruhiko and Ruru goes to the Phantom hunting club, being greeted by Mai, Reina, Koito and Kurumi, in other words, Team E. Everyone else was also their.

Mai: Hi Haruhiko, it's been a crazy few months?

Haruhiko: yeah it was. I mean, being from alternate worlds and Phantoms, it's been a crazy last year.

then Ms. Himeno comes in.

Ms. Himeno: welcome back students, I hope you had a lovely month.

Mai: oh we did.

Ms. Himeno: as a few months went past, I have some good news.

Reina: a new student?

Ms. Himeno: thats right, A transfer student with Phantom Catching abilities.

Koito: Phantom catching abilities?

Ms. Himeno: that's correct, tomorrow, we'll have our first Phantom catcher.

Everyone then murmured in confusion.

Ms. Himeno: I think it will be clearer is this new report will tell.

she turns on the screen, showing a new report that happened yesterday.

Newsreporter(on Screen) : I'm here with the headmistress of Fantamu Oitsuki Academy, who is going to tell why their number 1 Phantom catching team is congratulating early?

Headmistress(on Screen) : heh, well it's been no joke what happened when those poor students from other academies were attacked by Enigma and lost their abilities. but one young man from Hosea Academy sealed her, named Haruhiko Ichigo.

Haruhiko:  wait, she knows about what I did?

Ruru: sounds like it.

Haruhiko: and she wanted to thank Team E for sealing her up?

Mai: don't ruin it!

Headmistress(on screen) : and to the Academies that their students had their abilities stolen, I'm giving you a little surprise, as of this, I'm giving one of the students from Phantom catching Team Alpha to your Academy!

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