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1.       "This brings back awful, long since forgotten memories, rising back to the surface like a maelstrom, a wave that will push her over the edge. But she knew that if she fell, he would catch her. He would always catch her. And so she submerged into the abyss of despair that was her soul, and mourned until her eyes were as dry as the desert, and the tears she had shed created an ocean."

 2.     "Dangerous things tend to disguise themselves as the most beautiful objects. Try as we may, we cannot help but be lured into their trap. It is inevitable that when you play with fire, you get burned. And so, lovely things tear your heart out of your chest and shatter it like glass into a million delicate pieces. 

And though you may try, once it's broken, it can never be fully repaired. It will always bear scars that linger, scars that make you cautious of ever letting anyone touch it. For one wrong touch, to the wrong place, one ounce of pressure...and the heart you had so painstakingly attempted to mend has been demolished once more. 

Razed to the ground, and burned until it is no longer anything but ashes in the wind, scattered across hundreds of miles. Even if you tried to gather them, the ashes could never be collected or repaired. Most of them are lost to the earth, and the creatures that inhabit it. There will always be that missing piece, no matter how hard you try, will forever be lost.

3.        "The saying, sorry for your loss is an injustice. Saying that your sorry doesn't make us feel better. It doesn't change what happened. While every person who has ever said this is trying to pay their respects and express their sadness, usually it's just pity in their eyes when they look at us. They talk slowly as if we're wild beasts who will explode at any moment, if so much as the wrong word is said. 

We don't want your pity when we are at the brink of collapse. We don't want to hear your sadness, and keep it atop our shoulders beside our own. We don't want to be weighted down with all these feelings and emotions, feeling as though we're drowning in a sea of despair. We want you to stand by our side for support. We want you to be pillars of steel for us to lean on. Because you are the people we look to when we're lost in the dark. 

You are the people we plead with to lead us out of the darkness and into the light once more. So don't look at us with pity in your eyes. Look at us with determination. To be determined to make our way in life, to lead each other on the path that we walk. To leave our mark on the world, whether it be for better or worse. Because at the end of the day, determination will be what brings us back from the brink of death. Because our marks will never be forgotten, no matter how small."

Hey guys! These are just some quotes I've been working on. I don't know if you can even consider them quotes, they're pretty long for a quote, but you let me know what you think! I don't actually know the exact date I wrote these, but I know that it was this month. Usually I'll just be thinking and an idea will pop into my brain and I'll jot it down in my notes, and then come back to it over the course of a few days when I think of something new. 

Love you!!


Hannah Elizabeth Rose

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