Chapter 19: Two New Roommates?

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Note:.....I'm not going to say anything about the date of the publication of this chapter because I know it's really late and you know it too XD. Well, I have delivered Wattpad theorist!

Mio's POV

I was currently sitting on a bench, staring at the sunset that was sitting on top of the beautiful water. Khonsu was sitting next to me with an arm wrapped around me. Ayame was also sitting next to me. I was having the best time of my life as we watched the sunset together. Khonsu then smiled at me with no pain at all and he leaned in towards my face. I then also leaned in and...

My eyes then opened up slowly as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. "Oh, come on!" I said tiredly as I groaned in annoyance. "M-Mio? W-what's wrong?" I heard a very tired Ayame, "Nothing, I just woke up from a really good dream." I sighed, "Oh, I hate when that happens." Ayame yawned. I then moved my hands around in darkness until I felt the lamp on my desk and I turned it on. I then yawned, "What time is it?" I asked. "Etto...It's one in the morning." Ayame said as she sat up and rubbed her eyes with the long sleeves of Dusk's hoodie. "Where's Dusk?" I said aloud, "I don't know, we went to bed before he even came home. He should be in his room, sleeping by now." Ayame guessed. "I am going to grab a cup of water, want to come?" I asked, "Sure!" Ayame said and we got out of bed.

We then quietly opened the door and we heard a lot of noises coming from Dusk's room, it was like he was talking to someone. "Yatta Aqua...great job! You freakin' carried me in the games we played." We heard Dusk said tiredly, "Well, I'm glad we got to play together." We heard him say, "Next time? Sure, I can probably play." He chuckled. "Great job again, see you tomorrow. Make sure you get a good sleep, you'll need it. Hai, see ya." We heard him chuckle to himself as we heard a series of clicks and the sound of his pc turning off. We then heard him stand up and walk towards the door. He then opened the door and he was greeted by us, staring at him.

"What are you girls doing up so late?" He asked, "We could ask the same thing." We said. "Aqua invited me to play Apex, we almost won all of our games." Dusk yawned, "Well we were just going to grab some water." I said, "Hai, I am going to brush my teeth. I'm heading to bed." He said as he rubbed his face. We then nodded and went to grab our water. We went to the kitchen and grabbed two water bottles. I handed one to Ayame, "Arigatou." She said as she opened the cap and took a sip of it. We just stood there for a few minutes until we started to head back. Dusk then finished up brushing his teeth and as he walked out, I pulled him into my room. He then sighed as I pulled him into my room, when he was in. He didn't even say anything and he just plopped on the middle of the bed and covered half of his body with my blanket. Me and Ayame just giggled as we got on the bed as well. Ayame layed down and hugged Dusk's arm, while I just rested my head in the crook of his neck. He then pulled both of us close and instantly fell asleep. We then fell asleep in a few minutes.

~Short Timeskip~

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