Chapter 3: Dusk Moves In

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Note: Dusk/Khonsu will technically be NF in this story. I hope you guys know who NF is, If you don't  he is a rapper who raps about his life and life problems. And most importantly, he doesn't rap for a million people, he raps because there are a million people just like him. I decided to do this because NF's songs tie really well with Dusk/Khonsu's past.

Mio's POV

We sat at the meeting room still talking about what just happened until we checked the time. "Eh? Guys we have been talking for almost 30 minutes. It's almost 2:00!" Lamy said. "Nani?" Everyone said, shocked, "Have we really been talking for that long-peko?" Pekora asked. "I guess so." I replied, I then looked back down at Dusk's helmet. It was nicely designed and modeled, there were some battle damages in them but not serious and very noticeable. "You know, you have been looking at that for some time now how about you give us a turn looking at it, Mio?" Subaru said. "Oh! Yeah, umm ok." I said as I passed it down, "Woah!" Everyone said as they gathered around his helmet. I just giggled, who knew a helmet can attract so many people? "Ouch! The ears are kind of pointy." Marine said as she shook her hand violently. She wasn't wrong, the ears were pretty sharp it would be a pain if he rammed into someone with those. "Do you guys want to try to find Dusk?" Fubuki suddenly said, "But he said he needed some alone time." Korone interjected. "But it's been 30 minutes...It doesn't take that long, does it?" Fubuki replied. "True..." Okayu said.

 "Well?" Fubuki asked us, "Sure, I guess." We said, then we all stood up and went outside. "If I was Dusk, where would I go." Korone said, "More like if I am depressed where would I go..." Coco sighed. Then her eyes lit up. She only does that when she gets an idea. "The bar! That's where people go when they need to drink away their problems!" Everyone just stared at her in shock. "Coco-senpai, are you ok?" Luna asked. "Of course not! But let's go, that's our best bet!" She said as she ran down the hall towards the Holostars section. "Well I guess we are going that way now." We said as we all followed her and ran past the Music Production Room. We then quickly caught up to Coco and she was standing in front of "BAR ROBEL'' We were about to go until someone shouted, "Wait!" Marine passed the corner and then walked towards us then dropped to the ground. "Marine?!" We shouted, "*Pant* *Pant* *Pant* S-slow down y-you guys." She said as she was breathing heavily then Kanatan picked her up and nodded towards us. We then opened the door and then we saw a familiar tall, demon, a wolf, and a red hair bartender.

The two looked a little tipsy as they talked to the bartender. "Hey, Roberu-kun!" Fubuki shouted, "Oh look who decided to show up!" He said brightly, "Come in! Take a seat!". He said and then we walked towards the bar. We all took a seat which surprisingly he had enough for all of us. We waved to Oga-kun and Shien-kun, they slowly waved back. They clearly were here for a while. "Don't you guys have streams to do?" Sora asked them, "Nah, we are all on a break today. Yagoo doesn't care about us anyways." Shien said, "Do you guys want anything to drink?" Roberu asked. "Um, no we were-" I was then cut off by Coco, Fubuki, Kanatan, Matsuri, Towa, Korone and Aki. "Yes, please!" They said. Roberu laughed, "Well then, what do guys want to drink?". He asked, "Now hold up, this wasn't the plan-'' I was cut off again, "Please Mio?" They all looked at me, "I-I....Fine but only a few." I sighed. Roberu smirked, "I see Mama Mio is trying to get all of her kids together, eh?" He said, "You want one too, Mio-chan?" He asked. I then said, "Just a cup of water, please.". "I see." He said. He then went to grab Coco, Fubuki, Kanatan, Matsuri, Towa, Korone and Aki's drinks and he gave them all a cup and poured each of their drinks. "Alcohol, Fubuki-chan you drink alcohol? Kanata-chan, here is a non-alcohol drink, alcohol, alcohol and alcohol." He said as he poured each of their drinks in order.

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