Chapter 13: Please Let This be a Normal Ride...

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Note: Well! As you can see, I am back to updating! Here is chapter 13, hopefully you guys will enjoy it. I also wanted to thank you all over 5k reads! Really means a lot to me. Thank you for waiting patiently, so here is your reward.

 Mio's POV

We were only 30 minutes into the movie until Fubuki gasped, "What's wrong?" I asked her. "We forgot the popcorn." She said with her eyes wide opened like it was the end of the world. "That's true!" Korone gasped, Dusk looked back at Fubuki then back at Korone. He then looked at me and sighed, he got up and went to the kitchen. "Mio, do you have any popcorn?" He called from the kitchen. "Sou! It should be in the cabinet above the microwave!" I called back, "Hai." He responded and we went back to watching the movie. I heard the microwave start buzzing as Dusk put the popcorn in. (Imagine Amelia's microwave impression if you want) The microwave then dinged. Dusk then came out of the kitchen with a big bowl of popcorn and some drinks. "No tea?" Ayame asked, Dusk shook his head. "There is, but it's healthier for you girls not to drink tea so late. Tea had caffeine in it which will prevent you from sleeping well tonight." He responded, "Oh, hai." We said as he set down the popcorn and the drinks, "Arigatou!" We said as we reached for some popcorn. Dusk then grabbed one of the juice boxes from the table and poked the straw through. He then took a sip and smacked his lips a little as he was trying it out, he then nodded a little and went back to drinking it. I giggled at the action and he looked over at me. "What's so funny?" He whispered, "The way you looked at the drink." I giggled softly, "You were watching me the whole time?" He tilted his head in a cute way which I did not know he was capable of. "M-maybe?" I said, he then chuckled quietly.


Dusk's POV

The movie ended and I did not shed a single tear while everyone else was breaking down, "How are you not sad?" Mio hugged me while some tears were streaming down her face. Korone buried her face in my shoulder and Okayu buried her face on Korone's back. I was emotionless for a few seconds but then my senses came back to me. "Etto...I don't know?" I replied, "You really don't have any emotions don't you?" Korone muffled in my shoulder, 'It's hard to have any emotions when your past only has pain and grief but I am trying my best to express myself more, you know' I thought to myself as I looked at Korone, "D-Dusk?" Korone asked scaredly, "N-nani?" I snapped out of my trance, "Why are you staring at me like that?" Korone shivered in fear, "What do you mean?" I asked, confused at her statement. "W-well, you had a very intimidating look on your face. You had a frown, your eyes looked like it turned really dark, and just had a cold stare." Korone gulped, "Ah, gomen. I didn't mean to." I chuckled nervously, "What did you mean "you did not mean to"?" Mio asked, "Etto...Let's forget that happened and watch some videos, shall we." I said, trying really hard to change the subject. "Well what videos do you want to watch?" Mio asked, "Well I was hoping to watch some Apex clips either from famous players or watch you girls play." I said, "Ah! You should watch me, Ayame, and Roboco rank up together on one of Ayame's past streams. "Really?!" Ayame said, "Sure, why not." I said as I typed in Ayame's channel, painfully using the remote.

 'Wish I could use a keyboard' I sighed as I mashed the arrow buttons to type. I then finally finished typing and I scrolled through her channel and clicked on her ranked video. We then sat back, relaxed, and watched the stream. I watched every movement, gunplay, teamplay, and ability usage to learn more about the game. Ayame played a legend called Wraith a lot, which had an interesting kit. Fubuki liked to play a middle aged legend called Mirage who uses decoys and that's literally his whole kit beside being able to revive his teammates while being invisible and also becomes invisible when respawning teammates. I saw Roboco play a lot of a legend called Horizon which literally uses gravity for team fights. As I watched more of it, I got more invested in the game, it was fast paced, amazing gunplay mechanics, fast healing, fast revives, and pretty balanced abilities. "Ayame, what's new about Apex now since this was posted weeks ago?" I asked, I got no response. "Fubuki?" I tried again, but still no response. I then looked at them and noticed they all fell asleep. 

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