Chapter 15: Dusk is an Apex Legend

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Note: Here is the late chapter, I have been working on it :P. Sorry, but yeah. Enjoy!

Mio's POV

I had just finished a talking stream since I just wanted to chat with my viewers and I've been playing games almost the whole week straight. 'Wondering what Dusk and Ayame are doing' I thought to myself as I got up, 'I don't spend a lot of time with Dusk, do I?' I realized, 'He and Ayame have been spending a lot of time together, i-is he moving on from me?' A sad thought struck me, 'Have I not been showing him enough affection? But he has been giving me affection back so no way he is moving on from me, right?' I had a small existential crisis, I looked at a picture of Dusk back then, when I knew him as Khonsu. I then felt terribly guilty for some reason, "I'm sorry Dusk, I'm sorry that I've not been spending time with you and ignoring you. I just have been worrying about streaming so much..." I sat back down and set my head on my table.

I decided to give him a call so I pulled out my phone and called him, *Riiing*....*Riiing*....*Riiing*... I then got a little worried that he wouldn't pick up, "Mio?" Dusk's voice came through the phone, "Dusk, I have something important I wanted to ask you." I said sadly, "Oh, hai. Ayame hold on, I have to go do something." Dusk said through the phone and my heart acked a little, "Go ahead." He said back shortly, "I-I was wondering-if you don't like me and wanted to move on..." I finally asked, then the worst thing I feared happened. Dusk was silent, I then heard a shaky sigh through the phone. "So I assume that you want to move on?" He said, his voice breaking a little. "Nani? No not me! I have been thinking that we haven't spent a lot of time together and you have been spending a lot of time with other girls, like Ayame." Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Mio, listen carefully here. I want to let you know that I love you dearly, you have always been there for me in my darkest times. You always have and I love you for that... I would never, I repeat, never let you go unless you let me go and I totally understand why you would. I will always be there for you until the day I die...So if you want to move on from me and be free...I don't blame you..." He said through the phone and tears started to fall from my face. "I-I am glad you feel that way...b-because I would never leave you." I said, Dusk then sighed in relief. "Mio, gomen that I haven't spent enough time with you. I never wanted for you to be caught with my problems. I always wanted you to enjoy your time with yourself and your friends without needing to care about my problems." He said and now I understand why he sometimes feels distant from me.

"I-I understand...I love you Dusk." I said, "Love you too Mio, I miss you, so come back home soon, alright?" He said, I then giggled. "I will be home soon, I promise." I said, containing my happiness. I then heard him chuckle through the phone. "Great, well I hope I have answered your questions. I will see you soon, darling." He said, "S-s-s-see you soon too!" I stuttered and hung up. I then let all my happiness out and my face was a blushing mess. I wiped the tears off my face and I had a very doping smile on my face and I danced around in my room.

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