Lil Meow Meow

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Yoongi's POV

Discovery one: I was no longer human.

Discovery two: I was a cat. A kitten, to be precise.

Discovery three: I was at the outskirts of the city and had no way back home.

Holy fudge muffins! What was I going to do? I had no place to st-

My thoughts were cut off by a kick to my stomach. I fell back, a few feet away from my perpetrator, and let out a squeak.

Deep laughter rang around me and I tried to shake them off and quickly flee the scene.

"Oh no, you don't," said the same voice before I felt myself getting picked up.

The hand was cold and sent a slight shiver down my back. The hand seemed extra huge and I had to peek at the ground from behind one of the guy's fingers.

I was so angry at this point. Who were these people? Was this what they did to stray animals? I started shouting at them, but they only heard tiny mewls that fueled their chortles.

The laughter continued until there was a loud bark. The guy holding me jumped in fright and dropped me. I fell with a soft thud while the ground shook with the vibration of footsteps.

Before I could even process what had happened, I felt myself being picked up for the second time in the last ten minutes.

Fear overcame me, and I almost passed out right there before I felt a hand pet my neck.

This hand was warm and made me want to snuggle closer. And that's just what I did. I heard soft giggles and looked directly into the eyes of a small girl.

"Good job, little doggo!" The girl said to the dog that was sleeping at the girl's feet. The girl sat on the ground and looked me up and down as she took in my features.

I did the same and realised she seemed to be about ten years old. With a messy face and dirty, torn clothes, she looked like she lived on the streets.

"Hello, little meow meow! What brings you here?" She asked in a high-pitched voice. Though she looked adorable, the cat in me didn't seem to like it as my body involuntarily moved away.

"Don't be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you." She moved me closer to her face, and I almost scratched her face. But the girl didn't seem to mind, as she let out a burst of giggles, with me still in her hands.

She set me down, carefully, as if scared to hurt me. "Well, my name is Chae-in, and this is my home. Welcome," she said, stretching her arms out and gesturing to the whole street.

I looked around, and as I had guessed, there was a small blanket on the side with one worn out shoe on either side to prevent the blanket from flying away.

My eyes fell on a small piece of bread and suddenly heard my little tummy growl.

I didn't have lunch after coming home.

"Oh, you poor thing! Wait right here," Chae-in said and picked up the piece of bread. She put it in front of me and gestured for me to eat it.

I hungrily scarfed down the piece of bread that somehow filled the kitten's stomach.

Her arm came to my neck and she started petting me. I was embarrsed by the purr I let out, but damn, that felt good. "You like that?" She giggled, petting me even more.

I heard a small whine from the side and saw the dog resting his head on Chae-in's head. "I didn't forget you, boy."

We sat in silence for a few minutes with the exception of an occasional bark from the species next to me.

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