Lil Meow Meow

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Author's POV

"Happy birthday, Yoongi!"

Yoongi thanked the student and rushed to class holding his bag in one hand and a canvas, half his size, in the other.

He reached the door just as the bell rang and he muttered a quick, 'thank god,' under his breath before taking his seat in front of his easel.

Carefully placing his canvas on the easel, he took a few seconds to collect himself. Yoongi looked behind him at Namjoon and thanked him for the birthday text he'd received from the taller boy earlier that morning.

Unzipping his bag, he took out his oil paints. He noticed that the box containing the colour blue was almost empty and made a mental note to buy more later.

He glanced at the blank canvas before looking at the rest of the class. Everyone had their paints open and were bringing their imagination to life.

Yoongi sighed. He needed inspiration for his next project while everyone else was way into theirs already.

Since his family was well-off, they went to a new place for every vacation. Yoongi drew and painted almost every landscape he had seen and experienced. From snowy hilltops, to beaches, to mountains and lakes, he'd covered it all.

The one thing he hated painting, though, was the city. He always thought the city was too noisy and filled with pollution. You could say, he disliked the city with passion.

His thoughts were interrupted by his teacher coming in. "Min Yoongi," he called out.

Yoongi quietly went up to him and stood in front of the desk.

"Have you found your inspiration yet?"

Yoongi shook his head slowly. He felt guilty when his teacher let out a tired sigh.

"Yoongi, you know I can't keep making excuses for you. I understand that it is not easy to get inspired. But the deadline is nearing and I can't extend it just for you."

Yoongi knew his teacher was being reasonable, which was why he felt even worse for not being inspired. "I understand, Mr. Han. I really do," He nodded. "I will definitely meet the deadline and make you proud."

Mr. Han was the only kind teacher that Yoongi had. He understood students in a way the other teachers didn't. And Yoongi wanted to always shine in Mr. Han's eyes.

"I know you will, Yoongi. I have faith in you. Why don't you try drawing or doodling something this hour? Maybe you'll get inspired," he said, smiling kindly.

Yoongi nodded again and went back to his seat. As the hour went by, he did not find any inspiration. Instead, he found himself dealing with a slight headache.

This was NOT how he expected his birthday to go!


Yoongi's POV

As the day went by, my headache only grew. As a birthday gift sent by heaven, I also developed a cold.

Many of my friends wanted to party tonight, some wanted to go clubbing. But I wanted to do none of that. My only aim was to go home and sleep.

With the thought of sleeping peacefully, I rode back home from school on my bike. I loved riding it as it was the most eco-friendly way to travel long distances.

Reaching home, I found a small note from my mom.

Hey darling!

Happy Birthday. I'm so sorry, but dad and I have a meeting to attend tonight. We might not be home until very late.

On the bright side, you have the whole house to yourself! Have your friends over and party! It is your birthday, afterall.

See you in the morning.

I knew that I should feel bad my parents weren't home for my birthday, but all I felt were happiness and relief.

I could finally go to sleep!

I didn't even go up to my room, seeing as it was the perfect time to invade the new couch.

Resting my head on the pillow, I was transported to dreamland.


It was twilight, by the time I opened my eyes. I slowly groaned and rolled around before hitting something hard. Blinking a few times, my vision focussed and I realised my body was resting against a rough pavement.

Where was I?

My headache seemed to have reduced, but I still had a cold. Sneezing softly, I stood up. My legs felt shaky, but I steadied myself. My whole body felt weak and tired. Something felt different. It was like I wasn't even myself anymore.

I walked further into the street, observing my surroundings. The whole road was dark, except for one flickering streetlight. As I walked towards the light, I stepped on a rock and toppled over.

I slowly got up and looked at my feet. But what I saw, shocked me and a startled gasp left my mouth.

I had fur all over my body! I fell to the ground and lay on my back. I lifted my hands up to the sky and found that they weren't hands anymore.

They were paws! Small and furry paws.

I got up and started running. I didn't know where I was going, but I wanted to go back home and stay in bed until the next morning.

Something wet touched my feet and I realised that I stepped on a small puddle. A puddle that showed me my reflection.

Staring back at me were dark brown eyes, a small nose and mouth, and a body full of grey fur, with a little bit of white around the mouth and along the rim of my eyes.

'What the heck?' I tried screaming, but all that was heard was,



Hello people!!

Hope you guys are enjoying these stories. They are supposed to be one-shots, but I like splitting them into parts sometimes.

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