Jin & RJ Part- 2

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Y/n's POV

Saying bye to Jin was a lot harder than I thought. Not only was he the most handsome person I've seen till date, his personality made him so much more attractive!

I heard the speakers announcing my flight and hurried towards the gate with my bag.

The whole time, I was thinking about our encounter and started blushing, remembering the way Jin looked at me when he said goodbye.

Why was I acting like a teenager with a crush? I mentally slapped myself.

It's okay y/n. It's not like you're going to meet him again. Just soak in the little attention you got from this beautiful human being.

Sometimes, I really hated my mind.

Feeling's mutual, sweetheart.

I was so lost in my thought, arguing with myself, that I failed to notice the air hostess waving her hand in front of me.

"Welcome. Please enjoy your journey!"

I blinked a few times before smiling at her and started walking towards my seat.

I saw that I got the middle seat and groaned.

I didn't like sitting between two people! I wanted the window seat!

The aisle seat was not occupied yet, and just to my luck, a man sat at the window seat, his face buried, as he pushed his bag under his seat.

Maybe I can just ask him to switch places with me.

As I opened my mouth to speak, he straightened up and fell back, sighed and closed his eyes.

Huh, who would have thought!

"Jin?!" I said, hoping my voice didn't sound convey the eagerness I felt. I had to sit next to him the whole time!

His eyes snapped open and he looked at me, mirroring my reaction. "Y/n?"

We looked at each other for a second before our faces broke into identical smiles.

I laughed in disbelief, still not processing that, out of thousands of people in this airport today, I was coincidentally meeting this man, for the second time in a day.

"Who would have thought?"

"Well, who indeed!" He patted the seat next to him and I didn't hesitate before sitting down.

"This definitely means only one thing! Friends?" He asked, extending his hand towards me.

I grinned and shook his hand, nodding. "Friends."

"I didn't know you were coming to Seoul," he said, shifting in his place to face me.

I rubbed my neck sheepishly, "Yeah, I'm staying there for a month. My friend is getting married and she wanted me to be here a month before the wedding to help with the preparations."

"That's amazing!"

I nodded and we both fell silent.

Why was it so awkward between us? Should I say something?

I decided to stay quiet and rummaged around my bag, searching for a book to read. We were so caught up with each other, that we didn't even notice the plane taking off.

I was thankful for having a distraction now.

From my periphery, I saw Jin turning to face ahead and leaning back on his seat.

He closed his eyes, and after a few minutes, I heard soft snores. I let out a huge sigh finally letting go of the awkwardness and relaxing back on my seat.

I read the book for about half an hour before my eyes started feeling droopy too. I kept my book aside and leaned back, letting sleep take over.


I woke up feeling something tickle my face, hearing whimpers next to me. My eyes snapped open and I turned to face Jin who was hunched over in his seat, shaking.

I got concerned and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, are you okay?"

He looked up at me and it was then that I noticed he was laughing so hard that he was in tears, his face red.

His laugh sounded like a windshield wiper, something I had never heard before. It was weird, but in a cute way.

I was shocked to say the least, and me still being drowsy from sleeping did not help!

What the hell was happening?

"What's so funny?" I asked, waiting for him to answer. He stopped laughing, still breathing heavily before he turned to face me. He opened his mouth it say something, but ended up laughing even more.

"Seriously, are you okay?" I asked, now panicking.

Did I befriend a nut-case?

He took one final deep breath before calming down. He took something out of his bag and showed it to me. It was a mirror.

I looked at him, confused, then looked at the mirror. Only after a few seconds did I see myself in the mirror, my eyes turning as wide as saucers!

My nose was painted with black ink and my cheeks had long whiskers that started from the edge of my nose. The worst part though, was the toothbrush moustache that adorned my philtrum.

I look like Charlie Chaplin!

"You look like Charlie Chaplin," Jin voiced my thoughts and I looked at him with a deadpan look on my face.

"I'm glad you kept yourself entertained while I was asleep," I said, yawning a little. I took out tissues from my bag and started rubbing away the marks, my eyes narrowed at Jin.

He smiled a very sweet smile and pointed both his fingers towards his cheeks, as if posing for a photograph.

I wanted to melt at how cute he looked, but I stood my guard, still regarding him with a stern look. It didn't seem to work as he started praising himself for his so-called 'artwork.'

"I enjoyed very much indeed. Thank you for letting me use your face as my canvas," he said, his tone becoming formal as he suddenly bowed as much as he could in that cozed-up space.

I cracked a smile at that, my irritation long gone.

After we sat and talked for what felt like hours, our plane finally landed. We got down and walked towards the exit, when Jin stopped walking, causing me to stop.

"Where did you say your friend was getting married?" He asked, putting on a beanie and huge sunglasses that covered his face.

He finished his look with a black mask, and if I hadn't seen him wearing them, I would have thought he was a random person passing by.

I looked at him sceptically, intrigued by his sudden transformation, before answering. "Four Seasons Seoul. Why are you asking?"

Before he could answer, a group of people called out to him, beckoning him towards them.

"You're leaving." It came out as a statement, rather that a question. For some reason, I felt sad at that thought.

He looked at me and said, "Yeah, but don't worry. We'll meet sometime soon!" He started walking towards those people who called out to him.

"But how will I reach you? I don't have your number," I shouted back, earning weird looks from strangers.

He turned towards me, walking backwards now. "You'll find me on Google under the name Kim Seokjin. Look it up sometime." He pulled his sunglasses down and winked at me.

Before I could process what he said, he was gone and I was left standing there with my mouth hung open.


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