Jin & RJ (Jin)

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Jin's POV


It is so frustrating, sitting here doing nothing! Why did the other members have to leave a day earlier?

Though I was an idol, I was extremely introverted. Sometimes, more than Yoongi is. And this was turning out to be one of those times.

With the other members by my side, I felt safe and comfortable. But sitting all alone in this huge unknown airport, in this unfamiliar country, with nowhere to go was taking a toll on me.

"Seokjin-ssi, our plane will leave in an hour and a half," said one of the staff members. "Please make sure you have all your belongings ready," he added.

I nodded, trying to calm down. We had more than an hour to board the plane and I was freaking out. I HAD to distract myself.

I left my belongings with one of the stylists sitting there and set out to explore the airport with my wallet.

As I was window shopping, something caught my eye.


My heart filled with joy seeing RJ's warm, smiling face.

Having RJ beside me during this journey would surely calm me down. I hurried towards the shop and proceeded to explain to this worker that I didn't need help in choosing what I wanted; I already had my eyes set on it.

After about five minutes of trying my best to communicate with her, I left her standing there confused, while I went on my hunt for RJ.

What I spotted almost made me curse out loud.

The whole shelf with RJ plushies was cleaned out empty. My heart sunk and I turned around only to bump into someone.

I apologized before bending down to pick what they had dropped. My hands felt something soft and my eyes directly connected with RJ's.

I softly gasped before letting a smile stretch out on my lips. I faced that person, before confidently speaking, "I'm taking this."

Y/n's POV

"Excuse me?!"

I was taken aback by what this strange guy said. Who was he to demand something like that?

He grinned before saying, "Yes. I've been searching for this and I found it now."

He looked beautiful, but that wasn't going to distract me from claiming what was mine.

"Look here, mister. You might have been searching for this for a really long time. But that doesn't give you the right to demand it," I said, firmly, taking back the cute doll that I saw.

It would be perfect for my niece!

"What the hell? Don't you know who-" he sighed a little, gathering himself before speaking again. "Can I please have this?" He asked, looking at me hopefully.

I smirked before saying, "Nope. If you had asked me before, I would have given it to you."

He was starting to get frustrated and I was enjoying it.

"It is just a plushy. Why won't you give it to me?" He asked.

"Exactly my point. It's just a plushy. Why are you so adamant on having it?" I asked ,crossing my arms over my chest.

He hesitated a little and looked at something behind me. "Oh no!" He gasped. I turned back around to find nothing interesting.

"Wha-" He reached out and grabbed the doll before running away. I stood there stunned for a few seconds before running after him

It wasn't about my niece anymore! My pride and ego were at stake here!

Just as he was about to reach the billing counter, I caught ahold of his hoodie and pulled him back. To my surprise, I was able to drag him easily.

"Nooooooo," he cried out dramatically, making grabby hands at the doll, which now stood on the counter, ready to be billed.

I chuckled at his childishness but maintained my grip on him. He finally wiggled out and turned to face me.

"Do you even know who I am? Do you know what my relation with RJ is? Oh wait..." He laughed, humorlessly, "You didn't even know RJ had a name. Did you?"

"I do know it because it is written on the tag. Anyone who is sensible enough to check the price is bound to notice those two letters there." This man was getting on my nerves now, but I wasn't going to back down.

"Ah yes! The tag! I was the one who asked them to put it there. Cause I am RJ's dad," he said coming closer with each step.

"... What?" I deadpanned.

He looked at me, eyes wide and voice low, as if trying to hypnotise me. "Yes. You might not know this. But I literally birthed RJ. You can ask anyone who knows me. They will tell you."

"Listen, it was funny at first, but now you are going too far. Why can't you just leave?? I need that plushy," I stressed, as my irritation rose by the minute.

"And I'm telling you the same thing. Why can't you just give it to me? Why are you so adamant?" he whined.

I couldn't believe it! He looked older than me and was acting like a baby!!

Before I could say anything more, he gasped at something behind me.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Again? Really? How did you think I was going to fall for it now?"

"No!! Look!" He rushed towards the counter with me right behind.

A girl, maybe five or six years old, wearing a huge yellow sweater, was reaching out for the doll.

Both the strange man and I stood there shell-shocked, watching the girl's face light up with joy. She tugged at her mother's blouse and pointed at the doll.

Her mom looked at the doll and nodded before paying for it.

The last thing we saw was the girl happily skipping out of the shop with the doll cuddled to her side.

After a minute of staring, I sighed and looked at the strange man, "Well, we lost the doll, too busy fighting for it."

He laughed lightly before extending his hand towards me, "Yeah. At least, that little girl is happy. That makes me feel better about losing it. I'm Jin, by the way."

"I'm y/n." We looked at each other and laughed in slight disbelief, still not believing that we fought over a doll!

"Anyways, I hope you have a safe journey, wherever you are going," I said, walking backwards, still looking at him.

He smiled his beautiful smile and nodded. "Same to you! And y/n?" He called out.

"Hmm," I turned to look at him.

"It was nice fighting with you."


Jin's POV

I felt something tug at my heart watching y/n leave. This is a memory I'll never forget!

The airport speakers buzzed a little before the announcement for my flight came up.

I turned back to where I was previously seated and took my bag from the stylist and followed them towards the gate.

After we got into the flight, I place my hand baggage under my seat and settled down. I was happy I got the window seat!

As I closed my eyes to take a small nap, I heard an all so familiar voice.



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