When He Steals Your Hoodie (Taehyung)

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Y/n's POV

"Just shut up! I'm so sick of fighting all the time!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, looking at Tae who was staring back, equally angry.

"Then leave!"

"Fine!" I grabbed my phone, pocketing it and rushed out of the house, slamming the door behind me.

I got into my car and started the engine. But I couldn't move. My eyes welled up and I harshly rubbed them to get rid of the tears.

I hated fighting with him!

Taehyung's POV

After hearing the door slammed, I fell back on the couch and closed my eyes with a deep sigh.

I hated fighting with her!

Why couldn't we just agree on one thing? We always wanted different things! If I wanted to eat pizza for lunch, she'd want Chinese. If I wanted to paint the walls green, she wanted to paint them purple. If I wanted to watch comedy movies, she wanted to watch horror.

Why were we together when we had nothing in common? Why did we even get together in the first place?

I angrily got up and went to the kitchen to drink water. All that arguing had parched my throat.

I opened the water bottle and lifted it to drink, but my hand slipped and all the water spilt on my shirt. Cursing at myself, I went to my room to get another shirt.

Opening the closet, I found all of y/n's clothes stuffed into part of the shelf.

She always did this! The most unorganised person I've ever met. Now I was starting to wonder how I put up with her all the time.

As I was looking for a warm sweater to wear, my fingers rubbed against extremely soft fabric. Pulling it out, I saw that it was a huge, bright red hoodie with a yellow duckling embroidered on it.

Not wanting to let go of the soft material, I wore it and found that it was one size bigger.

I found myself smiling at that. Why did she like drowning herself in these?

Going back to my place on the couch, I took a deep breath.


I was transported back to the first time I smelled that scent.


One year ago

I was leaning against the wall, tired from all the running when I heard it again.

"Taetae," a shrill, pitchy voice shouted all the way across the hallway and I resumed running. wanting to get away from that voice.

As I was running, I saw a small door toward the side and opened it. Closing it behind me, I leaned against it to sigh in relief.

I would usually flirt with her or any other girl for the sake of my reputation, but I was in no mood for that today. A headache was already starting to form.

With my nose in the air, I vaguely smelled an unfamiliar scent and took a deep breath, trying to distinguish it.

"It's cinnamon."

I screamed the most un-manliest scream ever and started searching for a light in the dark room. Once I found it, I turned it on to find this girl sitting on a small cardboard box, with a sandwich in hand. Her eyes were wide open, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"What is this place?" I looked around and saw many cleaning supplies. Oh. This was the janitor's closet.

"Wow. I'm surprised someone like you has never been here," the girl chuckled dryly, but I could see the twinkle in her eyes.

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