Chapter 17

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The halls were coming closer. Legolas could feel he was getting nervous. He walked away to go on an adventure, while his father told him to stay save around and in the halls. The carriage went into the garden and Daenerys could see all the other elves coming towards it. Legolas got off and helped Daenerys out. Daenerys could hear the other elves, and mostly elleths, ask each other questions.

"She is beautiful. Who is she?" "Is she his love?" "Where did he find her?" "Is she a half-elf?" Is she a royal or a high elf?"

Legolas had kept Daenerys' hand in his and walked with her through the crowd. At the moment they were in the middle of the garden, he asked her to dance. Of course she couldn't say no. After one song, almost everyone was dancing and Legolas took Daenerys away from the dance floor. He walked her towards an ellon.

"My lord Legolas, I actually didn't expect to see you here," the brown-haired ellon said.

"Me neither," Legolas said. "Anyways, this is Eurielle. She said you saved her life." Daenerys looked at the elf in shock. This was not her Elrond and he didn't even look like him. And she had to keep her fake name in mind if she didn't want to ruin the evening for Legolas.

"Oh," Elrond said. "I don't think I met you before."

"No, my lord, it must have been another Elrond," Daenerys said.

"There is only one Elrond of Rivendell, and he is standing in front of you," Legolas said, his face puzzled.

"Stop it Legolas," Elrond said. "Would you like to maybe dance, my lady Eurielle?"

"I would like to, my lord Elrond,"she responded.

Elrond led Daenerys to the dancefloor again and they started to dance. She tried to look like she was enjoying herself, but her mind was making questions. 'Did he lie to me? Is his name not Elrond? Why am I, the Slayer of Lies, not mad at him for lying? Or did I just make it all up?'

What she didn't know was the person standing on his balcony, looking down at her. After five years of waiting for Daenerys, Thranduil didn't think he would ever see her again. Now his son arrived at the feast with a girl that looked like Daenerys from a distance. And now she was dancing with Elrond. If it was Daenerys, she just found out he lied. Maybe she wouldn't want to see him anymore.

Daenerys walked back to Legolas. He could see the disappointment on her face. He put an arm around her shoulder.

"There are enough men that will love you," he said.

"But he was different," she said. "He really made me feel save, and I don't even know if he loved me."

There was a sound of a drum and the gates to the halls opened. An ellon started to scream: "His majesty King Thranduil of Mirkwood." From inside a slim ellon with white hair came out. Daenerys couldn't believe her eyes. This man looked like her Elrond. She felt Legolas taking her hand.

"Come on, that's my father. You need to get to know him," he said. Daenerys let herself be pulled forward until they were close to the king. She cast her eyes down, so she didn't have to look at him. She heard Legolas and the king talk a bit.

"So, your name is Eurielle," she heard a familiar voice say.

"Yes, my lord," she answered and looked up at the king. Their eyes locked and they stared at each other for a minute.

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