Chapter 13

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When Legolas opened the door, he saw a dwarf he knew. It was Thorin Oakenshield. Legolas lowered his bow and arrow and stepped aside, so Thorin could come into the little house.

"Where is Baggins?" Thorin asked.

"He is taking care of Daenerys," Kili said, after which he was hit by Balin.

"What?" Thorin shouted and turned to Legolas. "What have you done to her?"

"Step back, dwarf," Legolas said angrily. "I haven't done anything. She arrived here with a wound."

"My lord Legolas, she is half awake. Maybe you can ask her some questions?" Bilbo said, coming out of the room.

Daenerys opened her eyes and saw the man walk in. She tried to sit up, but he hurried to keep her down.

"You've lost a lot of blood, so you're not strong enough," he said. Daenerys stared at his face.

"I would like to ask you some questions," Legolas said.

"I would like to ask you some questions too," Daenerys said. Legolas looked at her face and saw a dim smile playing on her lips.

"Is it allright if I start?" he asked.

Daenerys gave him a nod.

"First of all, I would like to know your full name," Legolas said.

"My name is Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen," she said.

"My name is Legolas Greenleaf of Mirkwood."

"Nice to meet you, Legolas."

"How did you get the wound?"

"After I reached the Iron Throne, a man I thought loved me stabbed me to kill me. My friend Missandei sent me here,"

"What is the Iron Throne?"

"It's the throne forged by one of my ancestors. It's made of 20.000 swords he took from his fallen enemies. If a person has the throne, that person is king or queen of the Seven Kingdoms."

Suddenly Daenerys remembered something. Elrond lived in Mirkwood!

"Are we in Mirkwood?" she asked.

"We are only a few miles away," Legolas responded.

"Do you know an Elrond of Rivendell?"

"Yes, he is the lord of the half-elves."

"Is there an option I can meet him?"

"There's a feast in the Elvenking's halls. Would you like to come to meet him?"

"I would love to, but I have nothing to wear."

"I have a dress that you can wear."

"Thank you, my lord."

"You can call me Legolas, my lady."

"Very well, then you can call me Daenerys or Dany for short," she just finished before a dwarf came rushing in and made Daenerys' heart jump, because she didn't expect that.

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