Part 25

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Unexpectedly, there was a car trailing behind us. Soon enough, Kurapika noticed a thread made up of nen attached to Uvogin. It was probably one of his lanky friends or something. I immediately threw the thread out the window, so that they couldn't track us. Suddenly, our enemies stopped following us for some strange reason.
Well, I did just see someone else jump on the roof of their car. That explains it. This should give us a chance to hurry back to the city.
We arrived back at the hotel, making sure that Uvogin had no way of escaping.
"Where did you put the stolen merchandise?" One of the bodyguards asked, but Unogin didn't give much of a proper answer. The same bodyguard who asked that question tried stabbing him with his katana, but before he could, Uvogin activated nen so that it wouldn't effect him one bit. I already knew that this was going to happen, so I tried speaking up.
"Wait! Don't-" it was too late.
The blade flew off of the katana, damaging the AC box.
"I'll spare your lives, so let me up now." Uvogin said, desperately trying to find a way to get out of the situation that he was in. I think he was being serious.
"Let me make something clear," he continued. "We're after the auction merchandise that was stored underground. If you guys don't know where it is, I have no business with you."
So he didn't steal the merchandise? That was the exact question Melody had asked him just now, it's like she was reading my mind. Of course they're after it though, they're such thief's. They ruined my life.

"The safe was empty when we arrived. The shadow beasts had already taken it all."
Shadow what? Maybe me being late is the reason why I don't know half the stuff that they're discussing. Otherwise, I'm just flat out stupid.
"I guess they didn't bother telling grunts like you."
He really wanted to put up a fight it seems. But I doubt that he'd be lying.
"We didn't steal anything, so release me and pretend this never happened. If you do that, you get to live!"
The hell with that..
Kurapika asked about the guests, which Uvogin admitted that him and his troupe had slaughtered them all. This activated Kurapika's rage, causing him to punch Uvogin.
"How many lives do you think you took..
To carry out that plan of yours?!"
As the seconds passed by, Kurapika's rage got worse and worse.
"Kurapika, calm down- please!" I tried pulling him away, but he only attempted to get out of my arms and land another hit. I wasn't going to let him go, though.
Kurapika's POV

Hisoka messaged me, asking me to meet up with him.
..very well then. I don't know why he needed me, but perhaps it could be useful for something or someone.
"No need for concern. I have no interest in fighting you now~"
I wasn't here for idle chat or something. I decided to ask about the phantom troupe. Instead, he only ended up telling me a variety of things that I had already known.

"Two or three years ago, I replaced the man who was number four,

So that I could fight the boss. He certainly is strong~"
He probably indeed wished to test his strength. Apparently, he had never gotten the chance to because he always lowers his guard. He offered to tell me the troupes abilities, asking me if I was interested in teaming up. Before I could make my decision, I received a phone call. It was from Melody's cellphone, hearing her speak on the other line as I answered it.

It's our target! He escaped, and him and his troupe captured (y/n) in return!"
As she said those words, I could already feel the scarlet burning up in my eyes.
"We're heading towards pattern B, return immediately."

"..I understand." I put my phone away.
I walked away from Hisoka, vowing that I would be there at the same exact time as I was today. My main priority was rescuing (y/n) at the moment.

Your POV
I was in the car with the rest of the troupe, tied up so that I couldn't escape. Little did they know, I could burn the ties, but now wasn't the time. I needed to wait for a reasonable moment.
"A shinobi, aren't you?" A short man said, wearing a mask topped off with a raspy voice. "I can tell by your disgusting eye."
"Who are you to call..
My eye disgusting?!" I tried squirming out, but it was no use. The fact that the girl with the cross necklace and black turtleneck was sitting next to me didn't help me out one bit. I looked towards her direction, accidentally locking eye contact with her. This felt so awkward..
We arrived at the place they stayed at, them setting me down somewhere where I couldn't move. The phantom troupe leader inched closer to me, noticing my eyes.
"A shinobi," he said. "Killing your family was entertaining."
Immediately, I burned my way out of the ties, and tried to hit him, but before I could, a blonde haired woman slammed my back against the ground, causing my phone to fall out of my pocket and lay there in front of me.
"Not so fast." She said. A few seconds later, I received a call. It was Leorio.
"Answer it," the leader said. "Be sure to put it on speaker so we can hear your conversation." I obeyed, since there was probably no getting out of this at the moment.
"Hey (y/n)! Me, Killua, and Gon are about to earn some more Jenny, would you like to come along?" He asked in a delighted tone. It made me feel really bad that I couldn't go with them and help them out, hanging out with them made me feel really, really happy..
The blonde haired woman then whispered into my ear, telling me what to say so that I wouldn't expose my current location.
"I'm sorry, I would but I can't. ..I'm a little busy right now."

"Oh? What are you doing?"

I tried figuring out a way to let him know that I'm in danger, but without the phantom troupe members catching onto my tricks. I'm pretty sure Melody informed Kurapika about my absence by now, so this was my chance..
"It's a bit hard to explain, can you call Kurapika about it? He'll tell you since he's in charge, and he should answer you this time."

I really hope this works.
"Oh, well okay. I'll call him right now. See you later, (y/n)!"

"Bye, Leorio."

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