Part 24

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I went with Kurapika and the rest of the bodyguards for the Nostrade family. It seems like Melody was one of them. I went separately, because I wasn't one of the bodyguards. I had arrived a little late, noticing a really big man with a weird haircut and broad shoulders. I think he went by the name 'uvogin.'

He was a phantom troupe member, wasn't he?

"(Y/n), over here." Kurapika noticed me, but made sure to keep his voice a little bit over a whisper. He had binoculars in his hands. This was probably his way of spying or something. But he wasn't the only one, the rest of the bodyguards were spying, too.
"I'm sorry, I'm a bit late. What's going on?" Before Kurapika answered me, uvogin's shirt slowly came off, revealing his spider tattoo reading #11.
I knew it.
Kurapika's eyes turned scarlet in an instant, him walking down the mountain.
"Wait, Kurapika! This is a dangerous choice, what on Earth are you doing?" Melody told him, but he didn't listen.
He changed so much. His rage was horrendous, and his personality was more stern.
..what was he doing..
..between the two months that I hadn't seen him?

"Kurapika, please listen to Melody..!" I said, but of course that did nothing. What was I going to do.. he was risking his life and I was just standing here, watching.
There's only one thing that I can do.
Run after him.
Sure, it was a bad idea, but if Kurapika dies, then I don't mind if I die, either. My life isn't worth much to me anymore, considering more and more people are looking at my face, discovering my secret within milliseconds.
..maybe Hisoka did do me a favor. I probably wasn't going to get by if I waited forever for my secret to get out..
Should I despise him or..
Thank him?
No, now isn't the time. I should focus on rescuing Kurapika. Suddenly, I ran after him, causing the others to worry about my safety, too. Especially Melody.
I caught up to him, grabbing his arm, causing him to turn around with fierce in his eyes. His eyes were glowing more red than I had ever seen them in a while.
"(Y/n), let me do this!" He shouted at me, his rage becoming stronger. He yanked his arm out of my grasp, continuing to walk forward.
I was done.
"Kurapika, what has gone through your head?! What makes you think that..
This is good for you?!"
This was turning into a full on argument.
"Why the hell should I keep awareness on what's good for me?! I only want to avenge my clan, so put an end to your act!"

I didn't want to argue with Kurapika, but..
I had no other choice.
"Y'know, you've changed so much since I last saw you!! Yeah, maybe I want to avenge my family too! But what gives you such an absurd reason to closet your responsibilities away from me?! I have the same issues as you! You're being so..

Selfish right now!"
Maybe I said too much.
It caused his eyes to turn back to its natural color, but they flickered scarlet debating on whether he should respond to me or not. Before this argument could proceed onward, Melody started playing her flute. was calming.
As it was playing, I felt like I had nothing else in the world to worry about anymore. It calmed Kurapika down, too.
"..I apologize for my behavior, (y/n)." He told me, calmly. I shook my head in a way telling him not to worry. We both walked back to Melody.
"I've cooled down now. Thank you, Melody," Kurapika told her, as I agreed.
"However, I'm still going to capture them."
This couldn't be good for Kurapika, but there's no way I could stop him. I even told him that I would help him out, so it would be a shame to back out of it now. Kurapika immediately ordered the leader to drive his car over, and so he did.
"If I use my chains on anyone else other than the spiders..
I will forfeit my life."
Kurapika was crossing a line. Way too many, actually. I had to find a way to control his rage, I just..

Don't know how..
"Kurapika, you can't do this, you're putting so much pressure on yourself--" I attempted to tell him.
"There's going back on this, (y/n). I already spontaneously made it an addition to my nen ability, a drawback."

I can't imagine the death of Kurapika..
He's one of the only people I have left.
Suddenly, I buried my head in his chest and let my arms hug around his back, causing him to blush a bit.
"..(y/n)?" Kurapika questioned.
"Kurapika, please, I care for you too much for you to die so recklessly.." my eyes started to tear up a bit, but I tried to hold them in as best as I could.
"..Kurapika, please don't ever leave me!"
His eyes settled down, him hugging me back.
"I know what I'm doing, (y/n). There's no way I'll leave you."
Just as Kurapika started wrapping Uvogin with his chains, I saw someone familiar.
Was it the pretty girl..
Who was arm wrestling Gon?
I looked closer and borrowed Kurapika's binoculars for a bit, noticing that it was indeed her.
That's a bit awkward. What am I gonna do when I have to fight her?
Suddenly, Kurapika dragged him up with his chains, and forcefully pushed him into the car. I was sitting between the target and one of Kurapika's co-workers, barley fitting in because there was almost no room.
"If you don't kill me now, I'll murder the attractive woman sitting next to me right here and right now."He told Kurapika. Was he talking about me? Geez, this was getting weird.
"Shut up," Kurapika said, no context afterwards.
"Don't you want to? This is a golden opportunity." Uvogin kept trying to provoke him, which it worked.
"Stop wasting time, and just—" before he could continue, Kurapika tightened the chains around him more to silence him.

"I told you to shut up!"
"Kurapika, watch the road!" Both me and Melody said at the same time. The car started to swerve, scaring me a bit here and there.
Kurapika certainly did get much stronger.

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