Part 2

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It was morning now, it seems like Mr. Leorio and Kurapika made up. They were both talking to the green haired kid, you decided to step in and say hi. Only because you already knew Kurapika, otherwise your shyness would've taken over you.

"Good morning, (y/n)." Kurapika said to me. I said good morning in return as well, while Leorio and the kid were staring at me with a curious expression. The only difference was that Leorio was, well..

Fanboying over me-? I didn't know how to say it.

"Did she just speak?! She's such a cute girl!! Hey, what's your name? Wanna grab a bite sometime??" He kept asking me all these questions, and I to admit it was making me a bit nervous. Isn't he like- way older than me-? That was until Kurapika stopped him.

"Leorio, stop it, she's not interested."

"Hmph, whatever."

The little kid spoke up, I had to get to know him.. I didn't even learn his name yet.

"Hi! I'm Gon! I don't think I introduced myself yet!" He looked up at me with a smile on his face, what an adorable child. It's like he read my mind or something.

"O-oh, hello Gon! I'm (y/n)." I sheepishly told him. Maybe I'll warm up to them soon if we happen to become friends.

The boat arrived at Dolle harbor in no time, as we safely exited the ship. I looked around for a bit. It's been a while since I've been in a place quite like this before.

None of you really knew your way around here, so you decided to look at a town map inside the city.

"The exam is being held somewhere in Zaban city I heard," Leorio said. You had no idea what these cities and towns were, but you trusted them anyway.

"The man on the boat told me to head for the tree as a shortcut for the exam site!" Gon spoke up. But Zaban city and the tree were in different locations. Kurapika was just as confused.

"Perhaps you misheard him?"

"No, I remember clearly.."

"Well, we do have to find the exam site using a limited amount of information. There will be a test we will have to take before we take the Hunter exam."


You all headed for the tree, and soon arrived at the test. A door opened, revealing an old woman with a bunch of other strange people surrounding her. The woman was muttering some words, until she finally spoke up. Maybe a little too loud.

"Exciting two-choice quiz!!"

Excuse me, what-

The people around her started playing instruments, it was kinda causing a scene to say the least.

"To get to that tree, you must pass through this town first," she said. "I shall administer a singe-question quiz. You'll have exactly five seconds to state your answer."

Only five seconds?! My slow ass could never.

"Give the wrong answer, and you're disqualified."

Welp. I guess I have no choice, eheH-


You ended up passing, thank god. There was one guy that got fooled by her and went on ahead, you kinda felt bad but it was also funny at the same time.

It was now the first phase of the hunter exam, and this short dude with the number sixteen on his badge came over. You were number six. He offered you and the others this weird soda can, but it was oddly suspicious. You tried drinking it and immediately spat it out. Kurapika just poured it.

Leorio started to cause a scene with the short guy, but you decided to ignore them and listen to the examiner. You wouldn't want to be behind on your first day.

The examiner explained the first phase, on how you would be running for this one. Of course, you were very good at running, you were a ninja in your past after all. This wouldn't be a problem.

As you started running, more and more people started giving up. People often sat on the ground and watched the crowd disappear, drowning in their sorrows.

You caught up with Kurapika, and noticed that Gon made a new friend. He had white hair with this super cool skateboard. They seemed like they got along well, but meeting new people was a struggle for you still so it would also take you some time to warm up to him as well, too.

Kurapika Kurta x Fem!readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz