Part 4

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I got the thoughts out of my head, and took the hunter exam seriously.
We kept running to the exit, as it had gotten closer and closer.
"(Y/n)!!! You're so fasttttttt!!! Slow down!" Gon said from behind me, which I had giggled in response.

"I will always be right here, don't worry!" You smiled. Kurapika saw and acknowledged it.

We stepped up the stairs, and made it out. Soon enough, I had realized at least half of the hunters participating in the exam weren't here anymore, and even one more person was at the brink of making it through. Unfortunately, the path closed before he could make it.

"W-wait!! I'm almost here! D-don't.. don't leave me please!" He called, reaching his arm out trying to pass through.

Of course you felt sorry for the guy, but was it really that hard?
It's not like you had room to talk, though. You experienced with running basically your entire life.

It was now time for the second phase of the exam, you heard that it had something to do You had no experience with cooking at all. This wasn't going to turn out good at all. Of course, you were an amazing runner so the first phase was no problem. But for the second, you were sure you were going to fail.

"(Y/n), are you okay? You seen quite.. worried." The blond turned to you with a concerned look, which made you feel happier that someone was distressed about your situation, but you didn't want him to worry over you too much.

"Oh, yes Kurapika I'm fine. I'm just a little stressed because I can't cook very well.." you said, looking down.

"Don't worry, maybe I can help you." He smiled at you, which made you smile at him back. You noticed that he blushed.

"Thank you, Kurapika."

The second phase had come, as the examiner, Menchi, started explaining all of the rules.

"Alright everyone, it is your job to get a pig from that forest and bring it back freshly cooked!" She pointed at the forest to her left, as everyone turned their heads to look at it. I guess this was time.

I ran over to the forest and saw a pig that I thought no one was going for, but I didn't see Kurapika. Whoops.

My hand gently brushed against his, as I looked to my right and saw him. The embarrassment on my first day.

"O-oh, I'm sorry Kurapika! You can have that one I'll look for a different on-" I was shaking my hands in front of me, but he cut me off with a giggle.

"Don't worry (y/n). I'll get a different one. After all, I don't want you to fail the test. We're friends now." He said with a gentle smile.

For once it made me feel..

"Oh, well if you insist! Good luck Kura!" I said, without realizing the nickname I gave him. It made him stop in his tracks and turn around to look at me, which made me blush and look away. I didn't mean to do that.

The pink tint colored in his pale cheeks, but then he smiled again.

"Thank you, the nickname suits me. I like it." He then walked off, looking for a different pig.

He thinks the name suits him?
Agh, I should stop getting sidetracked so much and focus on the exam. Now was not the time to be worrying about that.

I caught the pig in my grip before it could get away, but I was unsure on how to knock it out.

"Anddd.. gotcha!"

I got a rock and thumped it against its back, but that had done nothing. Soon enough, Gon figured it out himself.

"Try hitting the rock on its forehead, I did it and that worked!" He told me from afar. I nodded confidently and placed the rock in my hands, and then hit the rock against its forehead. It let out a squeal, which made me feel bad. I wasn't very fond of killing but it was also the path I had to take to avenge my family.

I carried the pig and gently set it on the table, getting ready to cook it. As time passed by, more and more people came out and eventually I saw Kurapika.

I wasn't sure how to roast this thing, so I just watched Kurapika first. I kept gazing at him until he caught me staring, which caused me to quickly look away. He chuckled.

"Are you having trouble, (y/n)?" He asked me.
"N-no, I'm not. I was just watching you because I didn't know what to do, sorry." I looked down, and continued to cook.

"No need to apologize, if you need help you can just ask me." He turned back and continued to cook his, as well.

By now, everyone had finished. I got last in line because I was afraid of the outcome, while the other four were all in front of me. Kurapika noticed I was in the back and decided to come and get me.

"Don't be afraid, I believe in you," he told me. He gently grabbed my arm and moved me back with the others, but I only got more nervous. I was first up, exactly what I didn't want.

As I walked up, I handed her the dish. She took a bite and seemed a bit satisfied at first.

"Hmm.. this isn't too bad! But.. the aftertaste.. it's absolutely DISGUSTING!! You get a sore NO!"

All because of an aftertaste?! Are you serious?!

Everyone gasped, and the other four seemed like they felt sorry for me. I guess I would be failing the exam this year..

Kurapika Kurta x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now