Part 11

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Leorio decided to wager ten hours on the belief that he was alive. I went and stood next to Kurapika, watching as this all played out. This wasn't gonna end out well, I already know it.

Leorio stepped out into the middle, as his partner had done the same. He checked to see if he was unconscious or not, and to my surprise, he was. Kurapika seemed pretty annoyed.

Leorio tried betting if he was truly unconscious, this was getting ridiculous.. I guess this is his only chance though now by far. The girl bet twenty hours that he was actually unconscious. Leorio picked up the blue man, and threatened to toss him off the edge to prove if he was dead or not. It was sort of a dumb idea since his match hasn't been decided yet, but okay. The girl then bet forty hours that he was unconscious, oh lord.. Leorio finally decided to push the guy off the cliff, as he suddenly came back to his life again and panicked. He decided to take the loss, which gave us Kurapika's point, Killua's and my point.

(A little time skip because we need some more (y/n) x Kurapika scenes >:) )))

The girl took of her cloth, revealing a woman with pink messy pigtails and a long beige shirt. As you can guess, Leorio's jaw dropped.

Oh god, not again.
This man really was a simp, was he?
I mean, same, I have all my fictional 2D characters sooo.. but I'm not this bad I promise. I stopped listening for a bit because I didn't feel like paying attention, until I overheard a few things I don't think I want to know.
"Oh wow, you're pretty cute—" Leorio said to the girl, but then I heard him say something under his breath. I think Kurapika heard it too.
"But you're not as cute as (y/n)."
Thanks-? But isn't that kinda weird because you look like you're forty years old and I'm basically sixteen.. well anyways. I looked over at Kurapika, who seemed to be a little irritated at Leorio's words. Teasing wasn't really my thing, but I suddenly had the urge to.
"Aww, Kurapika, are you jealous again~~?" I said in a pester tone while smiling at him. He looked back at me, then looked away again, his cheeks flaring up like a cute little tomato.
"What?! N-no o-of course not! You're being preposterous! Why would you think tha-" Gon cut him off.
"You're acting kinda suspicious!!" He said while laughing. He was so cute, can I please adopt him- although Kurapika didn't seem too happy at his words. Killua chiming in only made it worse.
"Yeah, you're being so obvious right now." Kurapika turned away with his arms crossed, as I noticed the little hint of red in his eyes glowing. His face was still red, but his stern look always seemed so serious. Maybe I should stop the teasing before I actually make him mad. That would be pretty inadequate.
I was yet again not paying any attention until I heard something.
"How about we wager whether I am I boy or a girl?" The girl asked.
What a dumb wager, but okay. Go off I guess. Leorio went with the decision that they were a man. Are you kidding me— are you trying to waste time here or what?!
"I will allow you to look at every aspect of my body," they said once again, seductively. What the hell, that's disgusting. Please decline Leorio, the answer is quite obvious..

Anddddddd nope, that dumbass agreed. I sighed as Kurapika facepalmed, while Gon and Killua were just standing there awkwardly. Please get them out of here before this can get any worse.

I looked away, there's no way I'm watching this. It seems as if the others did the same, glad they're making a wise decision unlike Leorio. After he was done, we lost even more hours thanks to him. All because he's a damn pervert. I'm not forgiving him so easily..

After a long match against the opposite side, Leorio lost. He probably even had the easiest one, and decided to waste it all on some girl. What a wuss. At least me and Killua won, otherwise things would be difficult. We transferred out of the room and waited for our time to run out because others were still taking their part of the exam, so we waited in a small room with blue walls with small black sofa's and some books to read. Before I left, Sho said something to me.

"Thank you very much, (y/n). I'll see you again sometime," he said to me. What did he mean by that? I mean, yes he looked oddly familiar. He had some of my features as well, but I'm sure that doesn't mean much at all. I guess I'll see what happens in the future.

"Oh, well yeah sure-" I told him, as I returned to my side to see Kurapika and the others again. Kurapika didn't seem so happy that I was speaking to him, but I can understand how he feels.. he lost everyone that he had and he doesn't want to lose another person. It seemed like he didn't want me to know about his jealousy.
I'll always be there for Kurapika.

Once we got to the room, I took my shoes off and sat down. I noticed Kurapika going over to the books and reading some of them, so I decided to accompany him.
"Hey, whatcha reading?" I asked.
"A book that seems to be about romance. I'm not very far into it, though."
Romance. Huh.
"Would.. you like to read it with me?" He asked me this time. I nodded in agreement as he signed for me to sit next to him. I was getting a bit tired, though.

Kurapika's POV
As I kept reading the book with (y/n), I felt someone rest their head on my shoulder. I looked to my right, and saw that it was (y/n). My face turned red in the sight of it, but I don't understand why I feel this way in particular.. I decided to grab the white blanket/cloth sitting next to me, and put it over the both of us. I'll just let (y/n) sleep there, it was a bit cute. She probably fell asleep on me without realizing it, so I guess I'll just sleep here, too.

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