Part 12

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Your POV

I woke up with the book on my lap and a white blanket on me, feeling my head laying on someone. I slowly got up from the position I was in, and looked to my left to see Kurapika. Don't tell me..
I put my head on his shoulder while I was sleeping. Oh god, I'm so stupid..
"Good morning, (y/n)." Kurapika said to me. Oh crap, he knows.
"O-oh good morning Kurapika!! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" before I could continue my sentence, he cut me off.
"Don't worry about it, I don't mind. If you're tired, you can lay on my lap if you want. It's quite early, considering the others are still sleeping." He smiled at me. I mean, I guess I was tired. I just happened to wake up for some reason. I laid my head on Kurapika's lap, resting my eyes.
"Y'know, you have very pretty hair." Kurapika told me, as he started to stroke it very gently.
"Same to you, Kurapika! It looks very cute on you," I complimented him without realizing it first. He blushed a little, and thanked me. This went on for a little while, until Leorio woke up. He got up, put his glasses on, and looked over at me and Kurapika.
"I- (y/n)?!! Kurapika?!?! WhAt wERe yOu gUys doiNg lASt niGhT?!" Leorio asked in the most absurd way possible. I literally just put my head on his shoulder...
"Leorio!! Nothing happened, and be quite before you're gonna wake the others!! Kurapika snapped at him. Leorio gave him the "oh right, sorry," look, but it was too late. Gon and Killua were waking up because of his clamor, and Tonpa was somehow still asleep.
"What's going on?" Gon asked, rubbing his eyes.
"I could ask you the same thing," Killua said. They looked over at me and Kurapika, as Killua let out a wheeze.
"Can you lovebirds do that somewhere else?" He said, laughing. I got up from Kurapika's lap, and took Killua's skateboard.
"Behave like Gon and I'll give you your skateboard back. Also, you can't really say that, I see you flirting with Go-"
Before I could finish once again, Killua started blushing and yelled back at me.
"Shut up!! Don't say it!!! And I'm sorry just give me my skateboard back!!" He said, what an obstinate kid.
"Okay. thank you Killua." I smiled at him and gave him his skateboard, as he looked away from me blushing from what I was about to say. I knew he liked Gon.

The yelling Killua did caused Tonpa to wake up, can he just go back to sleep please.... he's only here to make us fail the exam. Whatever, the time was almost up anyways, and the last phase of the exam was drawing near. To kill time, I went over to read some more books with Kurapika. They were quite interesting.
Time was up, so we had to transfer to the next phase of the exam now. There was two passageways, one that allowed three people to pass through very easily and the other that took longer to get through, but also allowed three people. There was tools and weapons on the walls, so I'll just take the long way and smash through the easy way with them.
"I volunteer to take the long pathway," I said. Everyone was confused on why I wanted to take the longer way instead of the shortcut.
"But (y/n)-chan, you deserve to take the easier way!" Gon said.
"What he said, I guess." Killua added.
"(Y/n), don't make it harder for yourself—" Kurapika agreed.
"Yeah, an angel shouldn't have to suffer the longer pathway!" Leorio said.
"I don't care what you do," Tonpa said as well. Well I don't care what you do either. Hmph.

"You guys are acting ridiculous. Have you not caught up on it yet?" I said. I took one of the weapons off of the wall, and smashed it through the long pathway's door. Then I smashed the wall that was next to the shortcut.

"This way, we can all take the shorter pathway. C'mon, let's go." I set the weapon down, and Leorio looked at me like I was that badass anime girl you see in those TV shows or something. Literally all I did was use my brain, but sure.
It was now the last phase of the exam, and I had realized that there was a lot less hunters that there was to begin with. Not even half at this point. We went down the mountain, and I noticed this clown guy with lava pink hair with a star and a teardrop on his face. I made eye contact with him, and he licked his lips at me. Ew.

He then went down the mountain that had a box at the bottom, this was probably the next part. I then saw Sho down here with us. Wasn't he an examiner? He now had a tag with number #407. I was #406. I decided to go up to him.
"Hey, Sho, what are you doing in the last phase? Weren't you an examiner?" I asked him.

"Well, no. I volunteered to fill in for an examiner that couldn't make it today, so they allowed me to take part in the last phase of the hunter exam. There's also an odd number of people right now, so I had no choice from the start. Anyways, good luck, (y/n)-san. I should probably stop talking now before your boyfriend gets a bit jealous of me," he said.

B-boyfriend?- Kurapika wasn't my boyfriend-

"O-oh no!!! You've got it all wrong, we aren't dating or anything!!" I said whilst shaking my hands in front of my face, my cheeks turning more and more red as time went by.
"Aw, really? That's a shame, you guys would look so good together. Anyways, I should get going now. Everyone is arriving down the mountain." He smiled, and started disappearing into the small crowd.

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