Part 20

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It has been two months, meaning that I would see Kurapika and the others today. I know where Gon and Killua are, they actually aren't too far from me right now. I just have no idea where Leorio and Kurapika are.

I waved goodbye to Bisky, telling her that I had to meet up with the others now. My training with her was over now, meaning that I could use nen perfectly. I could control my flames and everything with no problem at all. As I was walking towards Heavens Arena, I saw them, walking.
"Gon!! Killua!!" I shouted, causing their attention. By my voice, I bet they could already tell who I was.
"(Y/n)!" Gon shouted back, running up to me and gave me the biggest hug. Killua was behind him, his hands buried in his pockets with a smile on his face.
"Long time no see." He said.
"It's been a while, hasn't it?" I replied. "Did you guys learn nen?"

"We sure did!" Gon said. "I'm an enhancer!"
"I'm a transmuter," Killua responded.

"Oh really? I'm a transmuter too! How cool is that!" I giggled.
"Is that so? Can you show us what you can do?" Killua asked. I nodded and activated my nen, showing them my flames. They both seemed so surprised, like they had never seen something like this before.
"Woah!! (Y/n), how long did it take you to learn that?" Gon asked.
"One month," I answered.
This time, they were in even bigger shock.
"Well, I did have a very strict teacher." I said. "She taught me all shorts of things, maybe you'll come across her one day and she'll teach you, too. She'll probably even tell stories about me and embarrass me in front of you guys." We laughed, while walking to yorknew city. As we were walking more and more, we came across Leorio who had his phone in his hands. He seemed like he was trying to call somebody, but the other person wasn't picking up.
"C'mon Kurapika!!" I heard him yell in frustration. The three of us walked over to him, asking him what was going on.
"Is there something wrong, Leorio? Are you trying to call Kurapika?" I asked him.
"Agh, yes! The damn boy won't answer!" He bickered. I asked him to give me Kurapika's number, and so he did. I got out my cellphone and called him, hopefully he will answer since he's receiving a random phone call and won't know it's me. The phone rang against my ears a few times, until somebody picked up.
"Hello. This is Kurapika. Who is this?" He asked.
He sounded.. more mature. A lot more serious than I expected.
"Kurapika! You finally answered! This is (y/n)," I answered. "Me, Killua, Gon, and Leorio are together right now, where are you?" He was about to answer, until I heard someone on the other phone talk to him.
"Uhm, I'm a little busy right now. I'll catch you later, sorry (y/n)." Before I could reply, he immediately hung up. I hope I didn't bother him..
"So? What happened?!" Leorio asked. He was probably frustrated because Kurapika would answer a random call, but not him.
"Uh, well.. I never got to know where he's at. He's a little busy, so... I hope he'll call me later!" We took an airship to yorknew city, so it would take us a couple of hours to arrive.
We were in yorknew city. I only found out that Kurapika got a job as a bodyguard a couple of hours ago. So that's why he was busy.. I didn't really have much to do, but Gon and Killua did.
"We're trying to earn more Jenny to get a game called Greed Island from an upcoming auction!" Gon said.
Greed Island? I feel like I've heard of it before. Leorio decided to help them out, but I think I'll meet up with them again later.
I had gotten a message from an anonymous person.

"Meet me behind Hotel Beitacle at 8:00pm sharp.

That face reminded me of someone I saw at the Hunter Exam.
I think his name was-
Hisoka! Number 44.
That couldn't be good news. I didn't really want to go, but something could happen if I don't, so.. I had a couple of hours before I go. I just need to know where this hotel is. I searched the hotel up on my phone, and discovered its location.
Isn't that the place Kurapika works? I think it is, but I'm not sure. The first thing I did was help Gon and Killua earn Jenny, it seems like they had set up a stand with a diamond next to it. I think that if the opposing person wins an arm wrestling match against Gon, they get the diamond. This would be a good way to kill time before I meet up with Hisoka.
I observed, and watched as each person had brutally lost against Gon. It was getting a little boring so I decided to talk to Leorio, while Gon was taking on these people.
"Hey Leorio, did you learn nen yet?" I asked him. He said yes, showing me some of it. I don't think he actually learned Ten, Ren, Zetsu and Hatsu though..

"Leorio, you know there's more to nen right?" I told him. His eyes widened, becoming a bit pissed.
"Leorio, calm down! You're going to scare people away, and then Gon and Killua won't get the Jenny that they need."
"Yeah, whatever. Anyways, did you learn any nen yourself (y/n)?" I nodded, showing him my flames. He had the same exact reaction that Killua and Gon had.
"It took one month!"
His eyes widened even more.
"Shhh!! Remember what I said before?" Leorio rolled his eyes and quit talking, until a girl with short black hair and glasses came over. She was wearing a black turtleneck with a golden cross necklace. Needless to say, she was very pretty.

Kurapika Kurta x Fem!readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ