Chapter 26: Have Dread Will Travel

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"We also don't know if their children will be born with the immunity to radiation as well," Clarke says. "Just like my people, I think they're going to have to integrate."

"They consider us savages."

"Not integrate with your people, with the Skaikru," Clarke explains. "Eventually they'll have to get used to Grounders too, of course. But in the short-term, if we have the Mountain Men come live with my people, we can keep any new children born supplied with bone marrow. And with four hundred of them among more than two thousand Skaikru, after a few generations of intermarriage nearly all of them should be immune – assuming we can pass immunity on like that. And in return for that, we could get them to destroy the Mountain, we know they have the ability to do it. Get out all the medical supplies and food then use the self-destruct."

Lexa pauses, unsure what to say. Her thoughts must show on her face though.

"I know it's a naïve and idealistic plan, Lexa," Clarke says softly. "But it's the only one I've got." She swallows hard, fighting to keep her face smooth. "And regardless of if we manage to make any kind of deal, it's a very good idea to keep my people far away from them. If things get desperate and we end up needing to come up with a plan to take them all out -" she shudders at the thought, no doubt plagued by her memories, and closes her eyes to block them out. "- then using radiation again would be the easiest way." She moves towards Lexa and Lexa folds her into an embrace. For a long moment Clarke is tense, then she sighs and relaxes, leaning against Lexa and allowing herself to be comforted. Lexa places a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

After consideration – slightly extended as she is distracted by trying to stem Clarke's sadness – Lexa nods. "It is our best option. We will have to see where else your people can land."

"Can you stay?" Clarke says pleadingly, revealing for a second how much she likes having Lexa there to lean against. Then she clears her throat, and attempts to straighten, stepping out of Lexa's hold. "I mean, you could tell us which clan we'd be invading in each area, so we could choose where best to go."

"Of course, ai hodnes," Lexa assures her. "Hmm. We will have to see where they are able to land. The Boat People to the east would doubtless be kindest to your people after the Woods Clan, but are surrounded by water. Can your people safely land in water?"

"No, probably not," Clarke admits.

"The other clans close by are the Desert Clan and the Ice Nation. It would be best not to land in the middle of the desert, but if necessary we could manage that. Perhaps your people could land further south? It is Woods Clan territory quite far in that direction, and then the Glowing Forest People, who have always been closely allied with us. If I order that no Skaikru are to be harmed, they will obey."

"Sounds like a plan," Clarke says, "South if possible, with the desert as a back-up plan." She flicks on the radio. "Hi? Anyone there?"

"Clarke?" a worried voice replies.

Lexa identifies it immediately. Abby.

"Hey, Mom," Clarke says, though she doesn't seem particularly happy about it. Perhaps, like Lexa, she would rather talk to Kane. "I'm here with the leader of the Grounders. Mom, this is Lexa, Commander of the twelve clans, creator of the alliance, Heda of these lands. Lexa, this is Abby Griffin, Council member – well, sort of – and my mother."

Lexa notes that Clarke has added or repeated things somewhat in her description of Lexa, no doubt to impress upon her mother the need for deference. She inclines her head towards the radio, though she knows Abby can't see it. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Abby Griffin. You have raised your daughter to be a wise leader."

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